Seriously i am on edge of giving up trying to play destiny. The zebra and baboon errors are getting frequent to put up with while trying to play with friends and near end or mid mission i get booted. These things need addressing urgently to prevent these constant disconnections and now the elk disconnections are starting to become reaccuring. Wtf is wrong with this games servers since the last patch
I'm sure the animal codes are just random excuses for their server being crap. I got one saying it won't work on mobile tethering ... I was actually on wifi ... When I switched to tethering no problems. Like most games that are released without adequate testing we suffer while they sort themselves out ... rant over ...
Tons of Zebra's today (any more and I'll be able to open a zoo!) also a few Caterpillars, never had any problems at all until today. So 1) When will this be fixed 2) When will I be getting my Zebras?
Even with the "patches" today i cannot play the game. I have tried every "fix" listed here and nothing works. This was a game that was not ready to be sold to the public. These are issues that needed to be addressed BEFORE they started grabbing money from the consumer
Edited by Zeal_Is_Magic77: 10/28/2014 3:15:51 PM*logs in* [url][/url]
I am sorry you are having this issue. The team is diligently working to improve the experience of players having disconnection problems.
im getting this exact same problem all the time and starting to get proper peed off! baboon and elk alla time.
still getting the zebra error code ever since last update game worked fine until then and I believe bungie you said and I quote "we deem an extremely important, high-priority issue" if the zebra error is such a priority why is it still a problem and not resolved yet and it seems everytime you fix and error code another takes its place? so I ask,why so many error codes on destiny? and is your game going to have ALL error codes resolved soon or should everyone stop wasting there time with your game. Ill I want is a straight answer no bs . GT: b3aNin86 xbox one
i was supposed to run VOG but did not want to be a burden on the team. this is past sucking
Bungie only see the money $$$ f###you bungie fix this shit error Code
Same here. Really starting to piss me off.. can play for a few hours no problem what so ever.. then try go to the tower and stops working and won't work again for hours.. takes the piss really.. getting really ducked off with it now.
Im disconnecting because of bee and destiny server. Can't play strike, can't play pvp, and can't play my story line. Getting really annoying. :@
I've given up... today was the last day I could play as I'm off to army basic training tomorrow so in a way I've not lost alot but would have liked to end on a better note.
I haven't been able to play this game since it came out, sometimes really late at night it works.Ridiculous that I can't even play a game I payed $60 for.. I give up, so very irritating.
Hey, I have had this error before, and I have several steps which you can try to help avoid these errors, they all worked for me and I have had none since. Option 1: go to your browser and type in your IP, you should come to a page with different options depending on your internet provider, There should be a option to reset your entire router, this will remove any ports which you may have port forward, once the reset is complete reconnect your console to the router and you should be good to go. Option 2: Port Forward, this is simple to do with most routers and your provider should have a guide on there website on how to go about it, it can be helpful to open certain ports as well (BUT) it can risk security so do at your own risk. Hope this helped.
Same here Un-Playable should just be the error
Bring back pocket infinity - old
Damn I'm getting tired of it -blam!- destiny I hate the errors -
i keep getting caterpillar, especially when i go to the tower. it always happens wherever i am in destiny when i'm in an xbox live party.
was fine for a little while today, but then started to get hawk error codes, i usually can't sign back in after the error code, so I have to turn my xbox off and on again just to sign in again. i'm done with it for awhile anyway, getting a new game tomorrow (not always online either). doubt it the servers will be fixed anytime soon cause they like to do bungie weekly update more than fixing the servers themselves. had fun with it, but not playing while continuously getting kicked out of xbox live and get error codes. i might play on and off, but not much anymore.
12 missions this morning alone I got kicked from all when nearly finished. What is going on. I can't play this anymore. 12 hours of playing over 2 days and only 2 bounties completed everything else, all strikes and missions got disconnected. Bungie u need to fix this now. I've disconnected my network and rebooted everything so often to no avail. I have to give up on the game😠😠😠😠 Gt: casse121
Edited by boristheblade: 10/26/2014 6:32:58 PMThis game has become so lame. I am getting so tired of being able to play one day and then the next...nope. It's getting real sickening to see the error try and say, "it may be your internet connection." Seriously?! Take some responsiblity. It's YOUR internet connection. Not Sony, not my local carrier, it Bungie's servers. YOUR servers. YOUR internet connection. If this continues, not only will I never buy another Bungie product (either way, I will never buy another Bungie product. No matter how cool it will SEEM to be), but I will sell this game and go the way of so many other disappointed Destiny players who have also sold their games. I mean, this is unheard of. People already being tired of this game, only a month in. Wow. You guys really don't know how to get your act together.
I'm getting the zebra error at least 10 times a day and I'm not a raging type but I have to admit it's really frustrating. I thought it was an issue with my connection but if so many people are complaining about this as well, I guess it's an issue with the game.
Four caterpillars and a hawk in a half hour just now. Which is awesome cause I had an hour to play before work. Guess I'll do something else...
I haven't been able to play for over a week now my connection isn't the issue I've played Titanfall with no problems bungie say zebra is due to that nope load of s#%t game was fun up until this
I get CATERPILLAR on a daily basis. I've been getting frustrated faster, so after a few error codes in a short amount of time, I just go watch tv or play Battlefield 4.
Used the app too see what the gunsmith was selling and guess what he has the fusion rifles I need to progress in shattered memory bounty however I can't log in to go buy them. THIS IS BULL
I can't even log in. This is ridiculous. I'm one mote from a exotic engram and i cant even get it. Maybe breaking this game in half wasn't a bad plan after all.