originally posted in:TrollPatrol
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Welcome all TrollPatrol'ers.
Feel free to introduce yourselves here.
How you prefer to Game.
Gamer ID -
Name ? (optional)
Titan / Hunter / Warlock ?
Have a mic or not ?
Prefer to Raid / no Raid ?
Favorite stuff to do in-game ?
Favorite weapon ?
Age / Male / Female / etc..
Part of the world you're from ? (optional)
How you prefer to Game. Relaxed - in late evenings on west coast time/early morning for European folks. Up for anything really. Gamer ID - oitokyo Titan / Hunter / Warlock ? 27 Titan and 10(ish) baby hunter and warlock. Have a mic or not ? Yes. Though I'm not always in talky talky mood :) Prefer to Raid / no Raid ? Vog virgin. Need to fix that! Favorite stuff Heroics/nightfall/strikes. Favorite weapon ? Scout rifle / hand cannon Age / Male / Female / etc.. Male 30s From UK but live and more importantly play in Los Angeles. Hit me up, I'm on ps4 most evenings. If I'm not in game but online I'll still join if I can