Hey all,
Compact here guys and girls lol welcome to all who have joined upto illmattic gaming crew a fun social like clan who has gone from a standard 6man raid team to almost 2 raid teams.
Now some of you might be thinking thats not alot but to me its awesome as we see new additions to the clan and people asking to join. On another note id like to take time out for you guys to know some ground rules which some of you may or may not know.
It has always been said everyone can play with whoever they want and that will never change but the clan comes first alot of people are rushing to do the raid and getting it done and then being let down by destiny, like one of the guns in the game "patients and time" guys there is no A or B fire teams for raid its one whole team and whoever is set to go that day.
5 Rules/outlines
1) I understand alot wanna do the raid and that's sweet as but if your weapons arent maxed out your not going to be helping a 26raid isnt to bad but for lvl 30raid unfortunately if your not set up for it you miss out grinding sux but for weapons it has to be done and xur sell telemetry ammo so you can 2x xp your weapons it depends on the weekend what he sells primrary auto or sniper or lmg or scout rifles or rpg.
2) In regards to raid if you asking for help and other randoms cant or wont help or cbf to take 15mins to do one boss from now on theres to be no helping them unless special circumstances clan first randoms later its why you joined a clan. I have made acceptions for certain people to help us do the 30raid if need be but onlu because they have completed it with ease and dont need to be told what to do they are lvl 30 or 1 piece of armor from 30 bigwillay , mattyofoz and bultavix I dont mind a couple others helping if need be but once there death ratio is more then 10times in a row they are out im sorry but 3hours on one boss is absolutely insanely stupid.
3) Another quote is from harry potter like they say help will alwaya be given to those at hogwarts that need it and that is the same here like many other in the clan I have given up time away from what im doing to help others regardless of weather I have done that mission that bounty or raid already many times so in short it doesnt matter if you get nothing out of it the ruke was always to help eachother out.
4) Nobody is in charge but before plans are made and set ask dominator n myself before its final dominator ia in destiny jail atm for subordination against us lol 24hrs cause he didnt ask and make sure everyone was all sorted and had there tasks done lol. Dominator/coollay you friggen take it lol.
Thank you guys for being apart of illmattic we have a good crew and if you dont make it on in time to do the raid dont sook or cry or give me the sob story because I won't change my mind we run with whoevernis on at the time and who it works with the best at the time and eventually when there is 12 in clan 2nd raid team is open and will be run with evl-sx or someone else and thats your team for raid less your in another team at which point someone can sub for u also if im getting the shits its nothing personal if it is I will tell u.
5) If you jump into a raid knowing u have 40mins spare before you have to go out or get off unfortunately it wont happen time needs to be 1-2hours set aside because you leavn mid way puts every1 in a position where we have to scramble for another player and it isnt fair.
Thank you guys for reading being apart of illmattic igc cya on destiny and if you can let others know to read this if you want to join and are ok with what you have read feel free to msg me on here and apply any questions or ideas within clan don't hesitate to speak up.
Please comment as a signature to say ylu read and agree and understand.
Enjoy... compactkiller aka insidious.
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