Come back when your lvl 30 and actually have a valid opinion
Oh shut up. You've just gotten luckier. Having a 30 doesn't mean you're better. Oh and since you have the maturity of a 10 year old girl with aspbergers with this subject, let me guess you got carried through each raid run even now that you do have a 30 I wouldn't be surprised if you still have trouble with with the normal raid. Shut up and get out of here. Oh and I have 30 too, so by you're logic my opinion is valid
And being 30 has nothing to do with skill I agree. I was implying that once you hit 30 and have the exotics you want, there's nothing to keep you in game except crucible. Let's not go into how much of a joke that is.
Actually I have done a few raids with a full team of raid virgins. And no I usually am carrying one of my mates who has bad luck or like last time my girlfriend who was 25. I have actually come at this topic on a fairly mature way in my opinion. Funny getting called as mature as a 10 year old girl from someone who started there post with "oh shut up"