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10/18/2014 12:54:06 PM

Bungie, needs a trade-system and better loot system?

I hope they do add a trade system, because this is an mmo, THAT'S RIGHT AN MMO, YOU NEED TRADE IN AN MMO, plus on the argument that you "earn" your item in this game, that's false the only item that you really "earn" in this game is the strangers rifle at the end, EVERY THING ELSE IS RANDOM, yes your strange coins (I know the lv 28 heroic but sill that's only 9 of the 23 or 15 you will need plus xur sales are still RANDOM) and yes that gun you got RANDOMLY from killing that guy. almost every thing in this game just requires luck, pvp, pve, or raid. it took my friend 8 times to get the vex from the hard raid, I got it my first time. also sometimes you will get an item for a class like titan helmet and your friend will get warlock robes, your friend is a titian who needs that helmet, and you are a warlock who need those robes, its dumb and don't even try to defend the pvp loot system, I had a lv 16 join my game near the end, and they mostly died with there 0.20 kd they got an exotic gun... what did I get? I was on the top of the team with a 3.26 kd and got nothing. my point is that this is an mmo, it needs some-sort of economy, an mmo with out an economy is like warlock that cant cast a spell, or a hunter that stealth or gunsling, or a titan with out any arms (you can take "arms" ether way). Another thing, Bungie please make the PVP nerfing separate from PVE, just because there is some kid on the forum that is like "bungie nerf this gun it killed me" it does-int mean you have to nerf it in both PVP and PVE, just PVP nerf when you get a complaint like that. it would be even better if there was a completely unbalanced pvp and one perfectly balanced pvp (like the iron banter was supost to be) and what ever that game mode is, make it permanent.

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  • I see what you are saying but a trade system would bring more problems then fixes. People would set prices for certain guns that would break the so called economy. Plus you would need to put jobs in the game more then just the 6 bounties they have. If anything maybe they can make a place you can put your weapon for sale not a auction house but a store that you set a price that bungie sets for each weapon and shader and banner and anything else you want to sell that way the economy wouldn't break. Now I know bungie says you earn what you get but we all know that is bull. It is all random. So if there was a economy you see that would Be broke right away. Cause certain people would get more random drops then other people and then they would set the market price. And then certain people would be rich and certain people would be poor or botching that they can't afford any weapons and you would still have to go out and try to find a random engram to get your say weapon. It would be such a long road to implement a economy that you would not see it for a few years a minimum. Just my thoughts stay strong Guardian

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