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10/16/2014 6:49:18 PM
All these "fixes" Bungie is making to Destiny....most of em are treating us like kids. The only fix everybody agrees on was the Cryptarch and making bosses less OP on the easy difficulties and what have you,everytime we play outside the box within the game Loot Caves, Boss strategies they call it an Exploit and restrict us.....Really? Why make a Raid thats based on cooperation and break an encounter for gamers who beat it cooperatly? Leogan has made great points,for my final two cents on this post since its an off topic issue. Why did Bungie make a clan system in the first place especially 100 members if only three people can do story missions and strikes. The only thing right now people in clans can do is Raids and Crucible with 6 people in a firestrike team. Hopefully in the future especially for hard missions is for a whole team of 6 can participate in everything and not just for two game modes

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