originally posted in:Dads of Destiny UK PS4 II
I can't get on psn is anyone else having a problem sucks ass I've got loads of bounties I need to do
Yeah I'm the same :(
Apparently some people have got back on psn by going into SAFE MODE on ps4. Please looked this up before doing so, as some options can cause loss of data. I've not tried this yet as on date night to gain browny points for tomorrow nights raid.
Just tried login to psn. Doesn't recognise my Id or password. Hate hackers as it is.
Alright Mike! Some PSN features are working but no friends list and no Destiny. Starting to get really annoyed with PSN / Sony
Don't suppose anyone knows when it's gona come back?
Same here down also...
What does psn and a black hole have in common [spoiler]they both suck[/spoiler]
Yup can't get on to bungie servers. Luckily got most of my bounties done. Just needed two more public events but I guess they can wait.
I can't load my friends list on the ps4 or the psn app when I load up destiny it comes up with some message
Yeap and me bro cant get onto bungie severs absolute crap. Psn problems are getting worse not better unreal.
i seem to have a problem with destiny;s servers not psn
Psn need to sort there shit out this happens to often
Yeah, psn been off since 14.40 today. Hope they sort it soon, need my destiny fix!!!