In PvP armor doesn't matter, and in Iron Banner the only thing levels do is give people a very minor bonus to damage done vs. lower level opponents. Also from a lore standpoint the Cruicible is meant to train and prepare Guardians for the greatest threats we face, like the vault of glass -not render them obsolete.
So no, I don't feel that the Cruicible should be a method for reaching the level cap which has no effect on Cruicible players.
Edited by LordWaspingtonIV: 11/3/2014 11:18:33 PMOops.
Edited by LordWaspingtonIV: 11/3/2014 11:19:04 PMOops number 2
[quote]Also from a lore standpoint the Cruicible is meant to train and prepare Guardians for the greatest threats we face, like the vault of glass -not render them obsolete. [/quote] This!! . Kabr did not fight the vex alone and pierce the vault so you could piss around fighting other guardians all day Shame!