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Edited by Leogan: 10/16/2014 12:00:11 AM

The Kill Volume on Templar is the worst part of the Hotfix, and I'll tell you why (Constructive Feedback inside)

EDIT 1: I want to thank everyone who participated in the discussion so far. I didn't expect this topic to take off when I posted it last night, but I guess I wasn't alone in my thoughts. Special thanks to people who educated me about the Bonus Chest fact which you can't get through the platform Cheese, and everyone who maintained a positive, constructive tone (as well as stayed on topic). EDIT 2: Spelling and grammar, 'cause it was driving me nuts. There's been a lot of noise about the weapon nerfing/balancing during the 10/14/14 Hotfix. Most of it was pretty predictable. This isn't the first time [url=]weapon stats have been tweaked in a FPS game[/url]. Arguments for and against have been pretty standard fare. Overall the changes seem fairly well calculated to balance the experience and extend enjoyment for the broadest subsection of players possible. To these I say 'Hoorah!'. I always liked Scout Rifles, now I am more justified in doing so. But the Kill Volume on the sniper platforms in the Templar encounter bothers me. It bothers me a lot. Please allow me to explain. I'm not against adjusting risk vs. reward. A true Cheese Strategy which makes a challenge trivial consequently trivializes the rewards that come after, and that is not good for games (this is why Atheon probably should have been patched first, but maybe solving that one is trickier and will take a bit of time). However, the "4 seconds until we kill you for playing the game incorrectly" solution to this is wrong on so many levels. An easy fix, yes, but quite possibly the laziest, and least fun way to patch the encounter. I worry about its implications on the overall philosophy behind what the game is supposed to be about. My problem is that it's almost always better to incentivize than to penalize. Invisible walls and kill zones are extremely heavy-handed penalization. They are a slap in the face, a clear message that you are trying to do something you were not intended to do. But finding an easy way to meet a challenge isn't always an exploit. In fact, finding a cool way to accomplish a task can be just as satisfying as getting loot for completing it, especially if you've been banging your head against the wall, failing constantly ahead of the suddenly successful idea. This is why my clan initially said we didn't want to watch Raid guide videos; we wanted the thrill of finding our own way. This stuff is gold, in terms of design. It isn't loot you have to make models, art, and stats for, but it can be just as essential. Slamming the door on it is, in my humble opinion, far worse than nerfing a cool weapon's damage. It's more like hacking players' inventories and [i]deleting[/i] that cool weapon, leaving a note saying "You are having fun incorrectly. You are playing [b]wrong[/b]" in its place. The sniper platforms were made. They were made reachable through our cool flight/jumping abilities. They included strategic cover. How could anyone [b]not[/b] anticipate players not wanting to try and use them? If we are worried about Cheese, here are some alternative ideas: [i]Make it tougher, enemies adapt[/i] - Goblins throw more grenades, target the platforms - Harpies fly out to platforms - Templar can hit platforms from longer range - Templar teleports one random player from platform instead of himself back into the arena [i]Make it cooler not to Cheese It[/i] - Include an achievement and/or additional rewards (shaders, emblems) for completing the encounter without anyone being marked by the Oracles (something you can't avoid by hiding on the platforms during the last phase, you just have to cleanse constantly because Oracles aren't dying). Patching how the encounter reacts to player strategies, rather than just killing them for using part of the map you designed and made available leaves the choice in the players' hands. They can still do it, but will probably choose a different strategy not because they feel forced, but because they will now figure out something that works better, and it will still feel rewarding because A) verisimilitude is maintained (of course hyper-intelligent robots are going to be smart enough to counter my camping), and B) you didn't have to slap them right in the ego with a kill volume which just seems to broadcast: [b]We didn't think of this! We will now wave a wand and you will play how we intend, your creativity is not the goal here, ours is[/b]. I like raiding. I want to keep figuring out new raiding mechanics and strategies with the friends I've made in this game. I don't want kill volumes to be the go to hotfix tool for future raids where players will inevitably find the paths of least resistance. Please keep this in mind and leave me my illusions of choice. They are really fun. Thank you for your time.

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  • This and other things (no music volume control, e.g.) make me believe more and more that Bungie are a bunch of arrogant pricks who treat their customers like immature kids they can order around and press anything on they like too.

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  • They aren't satisfied with how we beat the raid. It's like trying to add rules during a football game. They are changing it right in the middle. Now bungie expects us to sit in a giant kill box and expects us to still enjoy it! Ya we will continue to raid but we won't be recommending this game to others. I used to brag about the game all day long, now I warn everyone to just wait for call of duty. It's not PvE but it'll be better because they won't make last minute changes.

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    • Me and a team including a lvl 25 made it through the raid last night nuff said

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    • Edited by EvilHotice: 10/16/2014 6:25:59 AM
      I'd like to see bungie try to beat the VOG. They would get their asses handed to them and fall victim to there own fixes like others already have. Can't wait till the dlc comes out. With the level cap raised it'll be easier on hard mode at level 40(I'm guessing). For now F**k the VOG. I got my shotgun and gauntlet. I'm happy about that. The raid achievements are not worth it anymore.

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    • I think they should have taken the Nexus "Anti-cheese" approach: If you sit on the platforms, spawn axis minotaurs. It was a hotfix for a reason, though. It was something that needed fixed, and this may have been the quickest way to do so. I wouldn't be surprised if they changed it later. PS: Good job on stating your concern with some civility. The internet has a huge shortage of it anymore.

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    • Wow all i hear is how people like a challenge and want the raid to be hard. So when bungie does something that keeps the raid challenging. People complain cuz now they can't sleep thru the fight. Learn to do it the way it was meant to be played or quit and find something easier. Every game ever made puts limits on what you can do in the game so you play the way its supposed to be played. Players have never decided how you play a game developers do.

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      27 Replies
      • Honestly its easy to kill the templar the way its meant to be done. Kill the oracles, harpies and shoot the templar...

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        • "The sniper platforms were made. They were made reachable through our cool flight/jumping abilities. They included strategic cover. How could anyone not anticipate players not wanting to try and use them?" Thank you for pointing out the obvious to those who have (obviously) no common sense. Freedom of players finding innovative and strategic methods to solve problems is what got the real nerf. Forcing players to play the game "how we developers say you must play" strips that creativity and freedom of choice from their hearts and minds. It's a disgusting practice and one that has sadly become the norm for many triple-A development studios. Quake is a fine example of a game that had a stage laid out in design but did not force players into reaching their goal by one path; rather there were multiple paths and one could even choose to not engage enemies at all but rocket/grenade jump over walls and such for speed runs or simply to gain an advantage. There was more right than wrong with those "play in a shoe-box maze" style games. At least they supported player freedom. Developers, many, these days...make me sick I ever cared and gave so much to and for the industry for so long. This is a classic "Follow" Call of Duty dumb-down move made and for the life of me I cannot fathom "why?" If this careless, unprofessional, and lackluster methodology is an example of what is to become the norm of "balancing", to the community I say this, "Here's another Diablo 3 epic fail, enjoy"

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        • Wow! "all of this"

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        • You shouldn't punish players for being clever. That's my two cents about it.

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          1 Reply
          • This is a very intelligent and well articulated post. I hope bungie takes it to heart. And this line: [quote] it's almost always better to incentivize than the penalize.[/quote] Is pure gold.

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            5 Replies
            • I thought I'd disagree with you but your logic is flawless. Well said.

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            • I love that the enemy can use the environment to their advantage to kick our asses, however us guardians are unable to adapt to the situation, turn the tide of battle, and then use the environment to our advantage. Hurray.

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              • Brilliant OP.

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              • I completely agree. And what a great job stating the problem! Bungie presented a puzzle and gamers found a clever and direct solution. Improve the puzzle. Don't just make the strategy illegal. Don't just choose the most expedient thing you can do. This game overall has a number of errors in its incentive structure. From loot caves to AFKERS in strikes to poor story to this issue: there seems a lack of foresight into the economy of the sandbox and game theory in an economic/mathematical sense.

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              • Or they could just make the platforms disappear every once in a while like that other part of the raid.

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              • Good description dude. Those platforms were like gold mines to any explorers in this game.

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              • Just to add to the cheese. People who figured out how to push Atheon also figured out you can push any enemy off the map. I.E. you can push the templar off the map if you don't drop his shield. But its whatever whatever. I don't care if people do or don't it doesn't effect my gameplay.

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              • Bungie went all Ex post facto templar portion. They are regulating this game wayyyy too much. Between the AR nerf and other things, this game is on its last leg after a month.

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              • Edited by Xahero: 10/16/2014 5:47:06 AM
                I don't see how they expect people to have fun in an environment with things constantly stacked against the player. It's not just this, enemies use the arena to tear into us yet when we do it, it's "wrong"? Then they hide under the guise of "to make things more challenging"?! Gimmie a fücking break. Boxing us in with these patches because we used our brain to beat something is what makes for a swift failure. This is now a pattern and we shouldn't expect it to change, this "team" showed this to microsoft & they weren't gonna have it so they got pissy & left. Then decided to punish the Xbox community, Now they're doing the same thing with this community because they're mad we won't/don't play like they do. They don't deserve Halo's title & I'm glad they lost it. 343i is seeming like the route we need to take. Destiny 2? Yeah go on & make it a ps exclusive cause now I'm uninterested in continuing with Bungie.

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                2 Replies
                • Not even done vog yet but from reading the posts this is a great one

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                  • New tactic similar as b4. Everyone go back from where you respawn. the back. But have a warlock use relic for boss. (Self revive purposes) Stay in the back(where the door to the gorgons is) and let warlock kill near adds to replenish super and also tell him/her to acknowledge the shot. Kill oracles as necessary. Best icebreakers or vision of confluence and oracle disrupter since new update of increase SR DAM repeat, we killed templar b4 enrage on HM

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                  • This whole patch is a joke! Even the nerfs

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                  • Yea fu brother I hope they nerf ur scout rifles down to a white weapon.Quit sugar coatn their lies and deciept.

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                  • Best post on the forums. The community needs more of this.

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                  • When you put it that way, I can't disagree.

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