originally posted in:TrollPatrol
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Welcome all TrollPatrol'ers.
Feel free to introduce yourselves here.
How you prefer to Game.
Gamer ID -
Name ? (optional)
Titan / Hunter / Warlock ?
Have a mic or not ?
Prefer to Raid / no Raid ?
Favorite stuff to do in-game ?
Favorite weapon ?
Age / Male / Female / etc..
Part of the world you're from ? (optional)
Hello! I like the sound of a mellow group for grown ups! PSN is sploatee I'm based in the UK I'm 33, female I'm looking for a relaxed group of people to raid with. Family responsibilities and work means I tend to only have a couple of hours free an evening and sometimes need to afk for five or ten mins here and there to do family things. Have a mic. Level 29 warlock. Done the raid a couple of times already but need to find a group that are a bit more chilled and don't mind saving and picking up the next evening. Feel free to add me! Put a message in your request though so i know who you are.