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10/14/2014 7:45:09 PM
1: People who PvP in WoW and other MMO's don't bitch about RAID Gear being stronger or having a higher item level (light level) 2: RAID Gear has specific perks and stats for PVE and the RAID in specific. 3: Crucible is balanced for armour and damage and having full dead orbit gear is actually more beneficial for PVP than having full RAID gear. 4: if you want to hit light level 30, then work for it. Which means playing the WHOLE GAME. How do you honestly expect to play PVP only (half of the game) and still get 100% of the games rewards. What kind of self-entitled little -blam!- are you?

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  • I think BLUENINJA has a real point here, but I'm failing to see yours. 1: What the majority of other people don't complain about doesn't have relevance here. I don't complain about having to pay for my own gas, but it would still be better for me if it were free. 2: That's pretty much what BLUENINJA said. The perks are specific to only one activity and are useless elsewhere. 3: This does depend on play style, but I agree with you here. Some of the raid gear bonuses (carry extra heavy ammo perk on the raid boots) are not helpful in PVP. 4: "work for it." The raid distributes loot randomly, many people have done the raid many times and haven't gotten much gear. Others have been lucky and gotten all of it. "How do you honestly expect to play PVP only (half of the game) and still get 100% of the games rewards." I'd like to point out that you can reach level 30 only by playing the raid, as in PvE, as in only half of the game. "What kind of self-entitled little -blam!- are you?" BLUENINJA is only stating a opinion that the game should have more than the one luck based way to reach max level. I don't see any reason why that would make him "self-entitled". We are all entitled to our own opinions and to give feedback that can help improve the game.

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  • Well I don't play much PVP and my Thorn bounty requires me to do PVP to complete it. I'm not going to bitch about that, I simply will have to make due with not getting thorn. OR.... I could suck it up and do PVP to try and earn it. The way the game was meant to be. So you may be able to reach 30 with only PVE but you still cannot get 100% of the games rewards. I do not expect bungie to cater to my every desire by removing PVP requirements from bounties. Just as this little whiny bitch shouldn't complain about not hitting light level 30. It's a number, the only thing lv 30 helps you do is the hard mode RAID easier. If you don't RAID then you don't need to be lv 30, so stop bitching that the RAID is the only way to get to 30.

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  • Did you read my edit? The main problem here is really customization, and the irritating group system. While i still think raid gear shouldnt be the only way to level 30, im more ok with the raid itself being the only way to level thirty. Perhaps through items that add light to your gear.

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  • This seems acceptable or a wow style 'vanity' system. Still doesn't help cause most destiny armour looks crap but meh

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  • The only one who is bitching here is you! You can have the thorn from a random drop from pve means you can have everything you need from pve but not from the other half(pvp). So you dont want to pvp u dont need to. Lvl 30 isnt only for raids it makes yourself stronger as u know but it seems u dont know that there are also weekly heroic strikes and nightfall so f,.uck off u little whiny b,.itch

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  • 30 does the same damage to 28 as a 28 does. Furthermore exotic bounty guns aren't random drops and can only be acquired through the bounty.

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  • Edited by Backburner: 10/15/2014 3:36:23 PM
    PVP is balanced, and Raid gear is worse for PVP than faction gear. You don't need to be lv 30 to be stronger in PVP, so if you are a PVP only player you don't need to be lv 30. It's that simple. The ONLY and absolute ONLY use for being light level 30 IS the hard mode Raid. It reduces the damage you take and increases what you deal to lv 30 enemies in the raid. So once again, if you play only PVP you do not NEED to be light level 30. you simply WANT it. and you expect bungie to change the game, yet again to cater to the smaller player base of the game... there was a poll and PVE players outnumber PVP 10-1 but somehow all the PVP players are the ones bitching and changing the game in their favour. That's why my mythoclast now sucks in strikes, I didn't even use it in PVP and now I have to suffer the nerf because of whiny little bitches. If you do however play PVE also, then you should probably work hard to beat the raid each week to get your gear. If you don't want to do that, then don't complain.

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  • No lvl 30 deals more damage to all npc's not only raid npc so u need it for nightfall also as i said. And i do pve but it just sucks ... Its boring

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  • How is pvp more fun than Pve. I agree that the destiny Pve is repetitive but a lot less repetitive than playing crucible over and over and over and over and over and...

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  • Edited by Backburner: 10/15/2014 6:31:16 PM
    That's your opinion. Also you just admitted that being lv 30 only benefits PVE situations. I rest my case. There's no need for PVP only players to be 30. Also you get a 20% damage dealt reduction and 20% damage taken increase for each level lower you are than the NPC you are fighting. There are 100% ZERO enemies that are level 30 outside of the Raid on hard mode. So being over 28 is the only thing you need to be able to complete to nightfall and weekly easily. And no the reductions are NOT converted to buffs for every level above you are. So once again.... being 30 is only beneficial to fighting raid enemies. Your damage to anything lv 28 is still the exact same as someone who is 28.

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