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Edited by Xazers1337: 10/13/2014 6:18:35 PM

Lost my first exotic.

Hey guys! I have just experienced something very heartbreaking. Me and my friends were doing a level 24 strike. Fairly easy run. We strole through it with no problems. Last boss, we die a couple of times but no big issue. Now the boss is at about 1% health and I go all in to try and get the kill. Unfortunatly I die but my friends finish off the boss. Now they try to revive me and realise that they cant revive me when the boss is dead and the mission has ended. Whatever, wouldnt make a difference right? WRONG. My camera goes to 1 of my friends and I spot that an exotic, yes! An exotic engram. Keep in mind. I have never recived an exotic in this game. I havent even recived a legendary item yet. So I went absolutly crazy. Yelling to my friends to quickly revive me. But surprise surprise. You cant revive after the boss is dead. At this point im completly lossing it. And the mission ends and we're put into orbit. My friends try and calm me down my saying I'll recive it in my post. I check my post and it's empty so now im left with nothing but a broken heart. I uploaded the video clip and took a picture as proof. Hopefully showing that it indeed was exotic. I know the images may appear greenish but I promise you, the item is exotic! Is there really nothing I can do to get my exotic item?

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  • I nearly pooped myself the first time I though I saw a yellow drop. I was playing the Earth strike on tiger playlist and went galloping across the map in a mad frenzy to pick it up. Green pulse rifle. Bitter disappointment. Yellow engrams defo don't drop.

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