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Edited by BLUENINJA: 10/13/2014 6:47:08 PM

Raid gear SHOULD NOT be the only way to level 30!

Something that everyone I talk to agrees on yet no one seems to point out online, is the downright terrible decision to make raid gear the only path to level thirty. Perhaps you've already heard this before and no longer care, but I challenge you to. this is a flaw that needs to be fixed, for several reason. 1. It nullifies ALL FIVE FACTIONS. Are you really telling me that every single one of those legendary armories the five factions have were [i]stepping stones[/i]? You bust your bottom to get all that gear, only to be left once again at the mercy of the RNG? 2. we BUSTED OUT BOTTOMS to get that gear! I didn't spend literal days in the crucible getting all those marks for you to tell me that I have to give them up if I want to be level thirty! That is unacceptable! In fact it's downright disheartening. We didn't work that hard to have it surmounted by a couple hour long raid. 3. Save a shader and one gear piece, everyone would look the same. looking the same as everyone else should NEVER be the goal in an RPG, that's ridiculous. So we get one exotic armor, and a shader to look unique. otherwise we have literally the same armor as everyone else. Honestly how did that slip through the cracks during development?? 4. What about future raids? assuming you get different raid gear in future DLC raids, that means you have practically nullified one or more perks on your fancy VOG raid gear. Now, if the level cap goes up, fine, that makes sense. But if it does not, you now have armor with useless perks. I'm not saying raid gear should be on par with faction armor, not at all. It SHOULD be better. just in different ways, perhaps granting lesser bonuses to all three attributes, instead of a specialized two like most legendary armors, or make the raid armor require one less defense upgrade to reach max stats, making it easier to upgrade than faction armor. There are ways to make raid armor special. But giving it exclusive access to level 30 was a terrible decision. I've built an entire play style around my armor, one that won't work with raid armor. In fact, seeing as there's basically only one armor, MOST peoples play styles don't fit. How is that ok? leave a comment stating you're own thoughts. Hopefully they will understand the problem with this decision, and fix it soon. EDIT: Thank you for your feedback. It seems that some like the raid system, but others are frustrated by the "exclusive" nature of the raid armor. So, allow me to reign in my thoughts to this: customization. Perhaps the biggest downside of the raid armor is the fact that there's only one set. So "your" guardian, as bungie advertised, is really just the same guardian as evey one else minus one equipment slot and a shader. Bungie advertised that the character was YOUR guardian, that you were unique, but if you want to be the best, bungie wont allow you to be unique. This is my biggest complaint. perhaps this won't change until the DLC comes out, and if so, oh well, I still believe they need to fix this.

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  • Very well said, Sr. Yippee ki-yay BUMP!

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  • More raids. Raid gear vendor. Problem solved.

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    2 Replies
    • Light level mmm, what if we have Dark levels as well? I mean, yin and yang, black and white, traveler and darkness. Why not let players choose their path like in KOTOR? If you choose Dark Side (insert star wars pun here) you can level your character to level 30 as well, but with different armors, probably looking more menacing and with different perks. Possibilities are endless, new missions that require you to have certain amount of dark level or light level. Weapons can deal different damage as well based on your light / darkness level. Of course this could happen after the story develop with time, when the traveler reveal itself as the enemy, or whatever crazy idea came from Bungie.

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      7 Replies
      • You only need to go on or, join a group at atheon, or gatekeeper, and play for 30 minutes at either, and you get raid gear. It isn't that hard.

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      • They just need to add high level PvE and PvP gear on top of the raid gear. For PvE just stitch a couple of strikes together and put in a badass boss at the end, and make so you only get rewards once a week. An according to the leaked DLC they already have a tournament style thing for PvP gear coming out. This way everyone can have gear based on their play style.

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        4 Replies
        • The only benefit of being 30 is it makes the hard raid easier. No other benefit so you don't really need to be 30 unless you're raiding constantly.

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        • There are actually two sets of raid gear for each character

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          2 Replies
          • Next iron banner gives level 30

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            6 Replies
            • This one issue would change my bad feelings into gooood feelings and I have all the raid gear but I love the way dead orbit.

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            • title says it all. we need to het equal gear compared to raids and get them some other way.

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            • In PvP armor doesn't matter, and in Iron Banner the only thing levels do is give people a very minor bonus to damage done vs. lower level opponents. Also from a lore standpoint the Cruicible is meant to train and prepare Guardians for the greatest threats we face, like the vault of glass -not render them obsolete. So no, I don't feel that the Cruicible should be a method for reaching the level cap which has no effect on Cruicible players.

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              3 Replies
              • Yes it should be the ou way nuff said

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              • agree

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              • It's very unfair especially to those like me who don't play the raid because of the whole no matchmaking thing I don't know anyone with a ps4 to play with. I was thinking maybe they could add a feature where you turn in motes of light to add light to your character. I also hate how some armor looks amazing, but is useless for adding level or light. So, I think it'd be cool to maintain the highest level you achieve regardless of equipped gear. That way I can appear as I choose without losing level.

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                1 Reply
                • If you don't raid then why does it matter of you're level 30 or not lol

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                  • i've got a nice post that addresses this for all forms of gear if you would to check it out

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                  • To note: Iron banner will come back with chance to earn raid lvl gear. New raid will have different looking raid gear. Rumor has it we will be able to upgrade our old raid gear. That said I agree with the point you are trying to make.

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                  • The point threads like this ignore is that light levels are just gear score. They are not gates to [i]types[/i] of content. The thought pattern is "I haven't beaten the game until I'm 30" which is just incorrect. Level 20 is the cap. Raid gear and exotics are just the gear with the highest item level. This is typical MMORPG mechanics (not saying destiny is mmo, just that this is a standard thing). Therefore with each new raid/content tier introduced (see The Dark Below) the light level max will increase because a new tier of gear is available. Take wow as an example: dungeons at cap level (normal and heroic) give better than questing. You can get to cap lvl by questions or dungeons or pvp or any path but raid gear has the highest item level. Tldr: lvl 20 is the cap. 21-30 is gear score, means nothing for beating the game.

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                    1 Reply
                    • 100% Agree. Last year, while building hype for "Destiny", Bungie gave out a bunch of b.s. lines about how you can play solo if you wanted. They never said anything about having to join up with 5 other players without matchmaking in order to play all content and reach the highest level. I'm glad they at least relented for Iron Banner, whenever it returns.

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                    • I'm hoping some of the more experienced MMO guys might be able to answer this, but with the new DLC coming out and the level cap raising to 32, does that just mean that one set of raid armor from the new raid will be available to reach 32? Does the base level cap of 20 stay the same? Will those who refuse to raid be forever stuck at level 29?

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                      12 Replies
                      • It should, if your not good in raid your not a legend. Nof said

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                      • I agree with is why im staying lvl 29, so i can look somewhat diferent then the rest of the lvl30s.

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                      • Edited by Niles: 11/1/2014 8:01:53 PM
                        Bungie really messed up with us at this one, I am level 29 and have done the Vog thrice with a bunch of random people, the rest of them were just bad, all I got was a crappy shotgun a bunch of ascendant shards and one piece of raid gear...there is no way I will be able to reach level 30 unless I send days trying to find the right team to do the VOG, very soon I think am going to say goodbye to the game if they don't fix this up and I have spent a looottt of time in the game just like all of us out here...I hope this gets fixed before the next patch or these guys are going to lose a lot of players....

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                      • Have you read the latest news?

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                        • Edited by boltthrower56: 10/24/2014 11:13:29 PM
                          Coming from someone who rarely plays PvP..... I couldn't agree more. There ABSOLUTELY should be level 30 crucible gear that caters to PvP play style. The hypocrisy in some of the posts here is flat out hilarious. Some say that the raid is the hardest part of the game and they deserve that gear for completing it. Then another says that "it only takes an hour" hmmm.. If it only takes an hour then it can't be that hard. I bet it took longer than an hour for those level 30 raid masters to complete the PvP section of their exotic bounties. I've completed the raid 3 times and participated in more. The raid truly isn't that challenging with the right team once the repetitive strategy is figured out but... that isn't the point. The point is that PvP players don't want RAID gear. They want their own top tier crucible gear. And let's be honest..... A lot of the level 30 raid trolls would get their asses handed to them in PvP. Level 30 is really just a number but it should be obtainable regardless of how you like to play the game. To me the real questions are- what kind of challenge should be presented to the PvP community in order to achieve that level 30 crucible gear? And... When is Bungie gonna address this issue?

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                          • Well, you do have a Class Item too.. They can also make you stand out. Also.. How many "casual" gamers do you think will beat the Raid to full Armour completion? It's a very small percentage. You're just seeing a few of them due to the level-matchmaking. Not to say that you're wrong, but being max level doesn't give you anything anyway.

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