Yep:-D. Na for real, I really think the Titan is very much op. The chaos fist is just a joke, you cant even jump away, you cant shoot the Titan when he uses it and it even hits you if you're in cover...
1.37 overall crucible kd, your likea 4/10 player. Overall kd counts not running in getting 2 kills and dying before you reapeat.
You cannot name anything other than Fists of Havok that is OP, though. All of their grenades are easy to avoid, their melee has garbage range and no effects and their Super can't kill more than one opponent if you don't bunch up. Also, if you say Shoulder Charge... Shotguns make Shoulder Charge useless. Plus, to get it, you sacrifice most of your damage resistance on Fists of Havok.
Lies! I've been killed multiple times while trying to lay the smack down...pun intended! Actually was one shotted by a golden gun and stabbed while a bastard was dancing....