originally posted in:Dads of Destiny UK PS4 II
Say 8 ish?
Never been there before myself so no idea what to expect.
28 warlock.
If you are up for it leave a note here and add me on Psn, id: teh_wolf
What?!? Nooo the networks down atm. Fingers crossed its finished by 8ish but I doubt it. Means Raid will re-set I believe chaps. Yep my Ahole just puckered up. The thought of those Gorgons... Again... Mind, at least I wasn't last to make the death jumps. Sorry Dev :) I shall be free to dig in again this week if anyone wants another bash. MegaWarMonkey Greg
missed this but count me in next time. titan lv27 striker and defender complete. all legendary weapons too lishiloous is psn name so add me freely
I'd definitely be up for round II again tonight (Sunday). - void damage secondary weapon [check] - void damage heavy weapon [check] - spare ammo [check] - watched the video guides [check] - read the tactics guide [check] 28 hunter itching for some payback! Wolfman - you going to organise round 2... round 8'ish again?
Would love to give this a go - are we talking tonight (Sunday) or tomorrow (Monday) ?
Cheers for the fun this evening chaps. Not bad progress for a first run through! Will be on again tomorrow evening to see if we can Down Atheon
I'll be up for it, matey. That's if you've not already got a full team.
i may be just a bit later than 8 but will be there shortly after
I'm available if you want to send an invite
Just finished an attempt with a group of Dod's, fun but damn hard. Game for another attempt later if you do give a go and need a body. Void weapons are def needed or a maxed out solar MegaWarMonkey Greg
Not sure what time I'll be on tonight but I'll add just in case I get there at the right time. Never been in before either. Lvl 27 Warlock Id: Subject91
yeah please count me in