originally posted in:Dads of Destiny UK PS4 II
X = every hour
Start with Defend the Warsat or kill boss event at the Mothyards at X:00: If you kill this one early enough you can make it to Skywatch where another event Defend Warsat OR Fallen & Hive warfor starts at X:00-05. If not, head towards The Divide
At X:10 event Defeat Devil Walker starts at the Divide. You should get there around X:10 or so if you can, the walker usually doesn’t show up before X:15.
At X:15-25 starts Defeat Extraction Crews event at the Steppes: Sometimes the event will show up sometimes it won’t, if no event shows up by X:27 head over to the Mothyards.
At X:30 Mothyards event Defend the Warsat or kill boss will start. This event always shows up. After completing it head to the Forgotten Coast as quickly as possible.
At X:36 Forgotten Coast event Kill Fallen Captain starts. The captain usually spawns right at X:36, but if it’s not out before X:39 go to the Divide either by orbiting and coming back or really fast on sparrow.
At X:40-45 Divide event Defeat Devil Walker starts again. Once completed head to the Steppes.
At X:45-55 starts the last event Defeat Extraction Crews in Steppes. This one rarely spawns, but sometimes you can find it.
check this out http://destinypublicevents.com/