originally posted in:TrollPatrol
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Welcome all TrollPatrol'ers.
Feel free to introduce yourselves here.
How you prefer to Game.
Gamer ID -
Name ? (optional)
Titan / Hunter / Warlock ?
Have a mic or not ?
Prefer to Raid / no Raid ?
Favorite stuff to do in-game ?
Favorite weapon ?
Age / Male / Female / etc..
Part of the world you're from ? (optional)
[quote][b]---Thread is visible only to members---[/b] Welcome all TrollPatrol'ers. Feel free to introduce yourselves here. How you prefer to Game. Gamer ID -Xaldin88 Name ? Dillan Titan / Hunter / Warlock ? Warlock Have a mic or not ? Yes Prefer to Raid / no Raid ? Raid Favorite stuff to do in-game ? Have fun Favorite weapon ? Hand cannon (for now) Age / Male / Female / etc.. 26-male Part of the world you're from ? (optional)[/quote] Johannesburg South Africa The young and the wild