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Edited by Dash: 10/26/2014 3:28:10 AM

Funniest PvP or PvE Moment!

I just had my funniest crucible moment last night. What's the funniest moment you've had in the game so far? My moment might not be funny to everyone.

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  • I wasn't familiar with a map (that one on Mars, not Bastion) and was getting chased by three of the opposing team members. So I was running for my life and jumped over a barrier that I thought would lead to another room but it was actually a huge chasm. I died. Then I saw my three pursuers jump one by one over the barrier to their deaths while in hot pursuit of me.

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    • I was on fire base Delphi at B point and a guy ducked away from me out the window so I tossed a lightning grenade after him, I got the kill but it also launched his dead body back through the window. I got a good laugh out of it.

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      • On first light me and a hunter are heading through the tunnel from C to A when we run into an opponent. Both of us throw our grenades at the same time at this guy. The combined explosion blasted him into the ceiling of the tunnel where his foot got stuck and he his body hung there upside down swinging back and forth. We both did a double take and admired our handiwork before moving on.

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      • Melee'd a full health bladedancer to death. Dodge and punch.

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        • Edited by Fallen_Friendly: 10/28/2014 10:34:48 AM
          Guy was shooting at me through the glass on the moon then realized he couldn't hit me. I danced... and he started dancing to.. then he went blade dancer... and my smile went away when he came around the corner..

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          • Last night I was playing on Shores of Time. I had just neutralized zone B when I saw an opponent activate bladedancer. Decided, "whatever" and jumped off the edge as he got to me. Punch line is that he jumps after me to get the kill, then desperately tries to get back up and fails :D

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            • ( warlock, sunsinger, voidfangs vest. etc.) Usually and more frequently since I spawn with 2 nades' during Clash, I like to throw both nades' high into the air at where I guess the opposing team is and hope it connects. When it finally did, I heard the bang, followed by "your in the lead", First Blood medal, etc. and I laugh, and dance... I don't remember if we won the match, but didn't care. I felt like my daily Destiny grind was complete.

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              • Anytime i kill myself is a fun time -.-

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                • In a control match, had been using defender titan for a few days. People were still just coming in the bubble at that point because they didn't know any better. I see two guys rushing me, I am all like "bring it dumb ass" then the one guy launches into the air and lands his fists if havoc on me.......lesson learned!!!!

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                  • Doing the first half of the raid, before the patch when you could cheese the first boss and camp on the sniper post to the left. Half of us were on the post waiting for the other half but one friend didn't make the jump. So 5 of us are waiting for him to respawn , then he double jumps and just as he's about to make it he falls to his death. He tried the jump 5 more times before he actually made it.

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                    • I managed to miss my last round from the golden gun, but the dude jumped back to lob a grenade at me or something and just sorta threw himself off the edge of the map on Venus, by where the control location for "B" is. Watched his little head pop up a couple times as he tried to tre-jump back up before the suicide message. Good times.

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                      • First day or so playing the game when it came out me and my 2 buddy's killed our first hydra and then proceeded to tee bag it. Very bad idea lol.

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                        • Last night we were waiting at the entrance to start the gatekeeper. While waiting for a stragglers to get through the disappearing rock section, my wife decided to sprint at me and shoulder charge me off the ledge. It hit me so hard, I had no chance of gliding back in. Bystanders started cracking up. It was hilarious.

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                          • During Rumble, I once spawned literally right behind someone else who was spawning at the same time. I felt juuuuust a little bad about it but I couldn't help but backstab him. :D

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                            • My funniest moment is when some kid self revived in my ward of dawn while me and my whole team was inside it.

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                            • I would have to say one of my favorites was a simple Patrol Mission, kill such and such target? Yeah, I flew into the area like a madman on my sparrow, jumped and rocket boosted into the air (on my Titan), pulled out my Steel Oracle Rocket launcher and randomly fired at a group of enemy's. Didn't even have the terget icon on it, and I wiped em all out Plus the actual target. Pulled out my Sparrow before actually touching the ground, and flew off into the sunset. I felt like a true badass. Really wish I could have played the song "Real Guys Don't Look At Explosions".

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                            • Sniped a guy on an interceptor then he tried to countersnipe me, he did not succeed

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                            • Was doing the nightfall strike with my team and near the endings everyone died, but being a warlock I used fireborn in the last second and came back to life all like NOT TODAY ending up saving my team and completing the strike

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                              • Five guys on a point. I get flash banged so I spam fire my shotgun in random directions. When I can see I see 2 enemies ran on sparrows, and 3 dead on the ground. Mfw

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                                • I was playing the Cabal strike mission and when you have to kill the three guards, one of the guys, (he was a hunter.) Got falcon punched and his body came flying towards my face.

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                                  • After the walking tank on Devils lair exploded, it's cannon span out of control and killed me as I jumped up and not seeing it coming.

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                                    • At one point my team started steam rolling the other, and an enemy sat down and waited for me to kill him. Well, instead I sat down next to him and we just watched the match go on. It was fun till some titan killed my friend. RIP in peaches warlock from the enemy team </3

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                                      • I shoulder charged an invisible hunter...didn't even know he was there until I got the points and the little award medal thingy (whatever you want to call it)

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                                        • During a FIrebase Delphi Clash match where I was leveling my Warlock, my entire team quit. It was 6v1 for ~ 8 minutes and I spent most of the time 1v1'ing a hunter. After a while I decided to wander around..... and I found 5 enemies sitting / dancing on the floating block just on the other side of the B flag location. It was my first Space Magic, Slayer medal on that character :D

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                                          • Pvp. I pushed this titan up to the wall and shanked him like 5 times for the kill. Like Oz style prison shanking. Brutal. Then literally right after that my network connection gets screwy and I get kicked to orbit. The KTO message was 'You have been removed from the game'. It's like my brutal shanking was too much for the crucible. They had to put me in the penalty box.

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                                            • I like the title of the video, bad kids are bad, because warlocks using the suros are very bad indeed :P

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