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Edited by NiNjA miget66: 10/25/2014 6:09:13 AM

Give Your Ideas || Bungie Needs Community help || Change your Destiny!

[b]::FIRST[/b] this forum post is aimed to be put up top so it can easily be commented on and shared in order to get more ideas more easily sent to bungie or at least noticed more easily. [b]::SECOND[/b] this post is meant to help the players of destiny voice their opinions AND have help building onto their ideas so that in case bungie accepts a players ideas it is as optimal and fitting as can be So to get the ball rolling and hopefully turned into giant snowball of death coming down a mountain and smacking the town leader in the face looney style. I will submit ideas of my own that i hope you can build on and just maybe become something real inside Destiny [b]||TRANSPORTATION[/b] alright so i love my sparrow. i like speeding around and ramping off things and doing crazy flips.. or just ramming my teamate into a wall and team killing him and high speeds but its all the same problem is though i cant but feel restricted and im talking new age NFS restricted where i cant customize crap on anything no custom paint jobs no decals no shiny rims no window tint ... nothing though the sparrow doesnt have a window to tint or wheels to shine there are things that can be included to the game to help personalize those space age 4Wheelers now this idea is a huge one affecting both ships and sparrows First let us use the shaders on the sparrows and ships AND use emblems on them aswell next (and this is the big part) create a UI that lets us dismantle ships and sparrows we dont use or want into something like upgrade material that we can attatch onto another ship or sparrow let me explain, give ships and sparrows something called "Equip capacity" thiwill tell the player how many parts the ship/sparrow can have intergrated into it and also give them a "dismantle amount chance" this is how many parts you can get out of dismantling it. of course both of these would be effected by teir such as exotics could have an equip amount of 10 legendaries 6 rares 4 uncommons 2 and basics 1 now say you dismantle a sparrow and get 3 parts now the question is how does one go about integrating this part like mentioned? well there are 2 ways 1 bungie could make a vendor at the shipping bay that takes you into a maybe GTA like shop where you can see what you doing in a 3d-ish space to pimp your ride out OR just create a UI accessable through the ghost that could do the same thing of ocurse this is where all the work is done such as setting your shader attaching parts ETC. [b]||FULL EXOTIC SET[/b] Of course we all want this DUH but problem is how oculd we get it without being super OP or whatever the crazy reasoning is (no really bungie Dafuq?) but no matter the reason why! ive come up with an idea that give us what we want (which is really just the cosmetic look dont lie) so many of us have played Diablo right? so you must know what transmog is. well this is not that.. but it is..exactly that. yeah i know i have to explain this is not taking a legendary and making it look like an exotic for some cheap glimmer instead this is taking that legendary and DESTROYING IT in order to give all stat values and abilities to the same gear piece but of a higher tier (exotics) Example is say you have the astrolord gloves and sunbreakers and you really want to wear those sunbreaker but your voidfang vestments are just so much better Solution!? give up your astrolord gloves completely and forever carrying over the stats and abilities to the sunbreakers and yes the sunbreakers lose EVERYTHING but cosmetic value and the tier turns legendary instead of exotic (yellow goes purple) but has a special symbol on it showing you BROKE ITS SOUL! or just tranfered stats on it... so its a really simple fix give us our looks we want only thing left to discuss is how many time this should be able to happen to the gear what happens if you do it to the same gear more than once and when it should be able to be accessed [b]||AFTER MISSION SELECTIONS[/b] ok so maybe youve been playing ruble all dam day and all of a sudden Mr.shottycornernewb69 joins your game and is just camping and camping..and camping.. so you say hey ill finish this game and find a new lobby you get through it you see your kd/r and rewrds but long behold the only selection you get is "Go to Orbit" .... yeah no no its a good option but maybe i was just wanting to find a new lobby or join a random game. why isnt that a selection? "hold Square/X to find a new lobby" would be much faster and easier and would get you into the action quicker right? or maybe your just on a planet clearing run on your sub charecter speeding thrugh everything why not an option saying "Play next mission" this is just a small one but i would really like this to be put into the game :) [b]||FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING AUDIO SETTINGS!![/b] ok this is just something that kills me everybody knows there is farming to be done at some point. i love listening to music to help pass the time when farming not extremely loud shots over said music and my ghost breaking my ears. or maybe i just wanna talk to some friends. Why oh WHY cant i just turn the game audio down! :( i swear i get NO in between here its either LOUD or "what sorry i cant here over my gun lemme glitch out of the map so i can hear you" hopefully i have people here who can relate [b]||SKIPABLE CUTSCENES![/b] Title says it all... we seriously need this only way i can even get out of these tormentive parts of the mission is to see if i can join a friend in orbit :/ [b]SURVIVAL MISSIONS[/b] this would be pretty much for those people who just love to go on a kill rampage. its self explanitory, simply give each planet a survival mission where you just kill as many as you can the longer you stay the more xp you get from kills or glimmer you get and the enemies only get harder and harder i believe you did this with halo or something like it? i would love to see this done [b]|| WEEKLY FACTION WARS!![/b] so this would probably be one of the best ideas ever thought of . why yoyu ask? im going to explain :) alright what i mean by this is we have 3 factions right? well weekly fights between them! ok so that was a poor explination. alright so maybe i like dead orbit the most and want to support them but you like FWC alot and you want them to be supported more. well what this is is all three faction go at it all week long til reset. no not as in 1 super huge control match with numbers hitting 10k maybe even 100k but a maybe larger scaled fight not 12v12 but 8 or 9 v 8 or 9. while playing if you are wearing whatever faction you like class item for each win you get that faction gets points they go to an over all stat bar that would show who is winning this week so far. now say your faction wins to keep the rewards fair and not over flooding the loot pool the reward could be an extra 500 rep ontop of the weekly strike to give you 1000 or more if youve done the nightfall first. or bungie can come up with a better reward. also your faction for the next week after their win will get some sort of special FX applied to their gear maybe. so an over all summary is 3V3 team Matches (3 teams go head to head not skirmish style) winners takes usual crucible roll rewards but extra faction rep and points towards their favorite team to get the flashy look [b]|| I DEMAND GALAGA AS LOADING SCREEN[/b] seriously title describes everything so gimme this. itd be way more fun than a ship swaying ---------------------------------------------------------- /-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\ [b]||-||+COMMENTER SECTION+||-||[/b] \-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/ --------------------------------------------------------- T4H-PROMETHEUS Damage meter! At the end of each mission finished can we get a meter that shows who did the most amount of DMG who took the most and with what weap they did it with? sort of like a tab after the rewards section to show all 3 of the players their are (i say 3 because thats the usual group size) and their weapons showing what weap they used to do the most of their dmg and also show how much they did in a total ANUBUSX Can we get an area where bosses just show up? not like public event bosses but strike bosses? or somthing at least similar so the world you are on all the people in there can pull together to kill them in a fun manner? i think that would be awesome! ================================================================================ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ PLEASE COMMENT WITH YOU'R IDEAS DOWN BELOW OR FEEL FREE TO DISCUSS CURRENT ONES!

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  • I have had a couple of ideas for future dlc's for destiny and i would like share them. (note: these ideas might have already been taken and posted but i just discovered this website) dlc 1 peacekeepers of the last city whenever i am in the tower ind D2 and i look over the city i always wonder what happens i the city and if there exist crime in the city. like if the fallen tried to sneak ind and acted as bandits and then we (players) would have to hunt them down and the hive would mind control citizens that would start a hive ritual so the hive could get into the city and we as players would have to stop them. vex technology could be sold in the city which the players would have to find the source to it with out shooting but solving realistic puzzles and finding clues. there would be police armor and neutralizing guns that should look like the Dominator from psycho pass (look it up) Hope you like it

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  • I was thinking......if bungie is just reskinning weapons for Iron Banner and the Faction Rally, why not have a reskinned exotic(s) per event? You could have one as a winner of the Faction Rally and two you can grind for during the faction rally. The same for Iron Banner and all the events for now and in the future). Some of, or most of the weapons, are just too mediocre to me. Just my thoughts on a possible improvement. What do you guys think?

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  • I have thought of a new game mode that many people will definitely enjoy. This game mode will be based off the idea of [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] Zombies and the Fallen will represent the "Zombies". Each player, there will be only up to 4 of them, will start out with a somewhat ok pistol, there will be weapons on the wall that players can buy, and there will be a chest where the players can get something good or bad from said chest. You wouldnt have to use every weapon in the game but put a decent number of weapons from each type, about 4-5 weapons unless it is an OP weapon, and these weapons can be on the wall or in the box. Everyone gets to play the same class, the Warlock, so that each player gets the same grenade, the Scatter Grenade. This will make everyone have similar stats and since Warlocks are not tanks nor squishes, they will be the best for this game mode. Each time you release a new map for this game mode, you could release several new guns or maps with it also.

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  • Dear bungie, I've been thinking about destiny 2 alot and one thing I'd really love you to try is a social PVE space. Like a fortress, with ammo vendors, that has waves of cabal always coming, every hour or so a special wave, but have it be THE source for ammo buying, and have a transmit to it from each world's social area, that way people show up frequently in large numbers, like at the tower, but just outside the walls there are tons of enemies to shoot. Have the normal waves reward tickets to be used at the fortress to summon things like a sparrow or activate minigun turret, and the big wave reward some gear or emblems, maybe unlock quests. Either way, just would be nice to have a pass time/weapons trial ground in destiny, where alot of guardians, fire team or not, are pitted against waves of enemies and guardians can just walk up to the battle at any time, or just pop in for ammo then pop out for a raid, or maybe they popped in for ammo, heard the big wave siren and decided to stay to have a good fight, or maybe they unlocked a linear fusion rifle and want to test it out, what better place than a fortress full of guardians who can awe and gasp at your new death dealer as it plows down a few cabal centurions. It could be a large area with one fort and bunch of flat ground with some cover elements, inside the wall, tower stuff... outside, battleground. I think it's make destiny head and shoulders above any console game.

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  • You should have this thing called the travelers blessing, it is a weekly blessing too become the speaker for a week, it makes you more prone too exotics and allows you too have 2 exotics at a time, it also allowes you too have a special subclass that combines all of your characters subclasses into one and you can share your power with your clan, like for the warlock it will be a nova bomb that you can shoot 5 times and it has and an arc chain reaction that kill ms nearby enemy’s, and to become the speaker you have too go through this extremely hard test, harder than a raid that is in waves of multiple bosses and parkour sessions. This is for destiny 2 not 1

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  • I think that you should make a rocket launcher that ,instead of exploding on impact or near the enemies, when fired the rocket goes past the enemies, once it has gone past the enemies launches several mini clusters backwards which lock on to and trace the enemies.

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  • Edited by Uptown Flame: 7/7/2017 7:00:16 PM
    I feel like you could make a vex raid boss in destiny 2 where the players walk into a narrow hall and suddenly a giant(I mean bigger than the kings fall Oryx) Minotaur rises up and makes an intimidating noise. It then starts to move toward the guardians smashing what is in it's way. The guardians will have to gun and run past enemies. At some areas there will be an elite goblin carrying an artifact to stun the boss. The guardians must act fast and kill it as well as using the artifact to stun the boss. However this artifact has one shot to it. So if the wielder misses the boss, the boss continues chasing the guardians. If the boss is successfully stunned, it's head will open revealing a core and the guardians must shoot it to deal damage to the boss. with a timer showing on all guardians' screens. When the timer ends, the boss will fire a death dealing laser and the guardians must find cover to survive it. If the guardians take too long though, a wall will block them and they will be smashed into smithereens. If they kill the boss, they will teleport to the next area with a chest waiting for them containing good loot. I hope you like this idea and use it.

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  • There should be a free roam mode. You should be able to go into a free area with bosses and different transportation, such as portals and rifts that bring you to unique fights and maps that send you to space where you then have to do a free falling section to make it down to the planet. This would be useful, as you could jump down to other parts of the planet to adventure. There could also be special raids that you could do in other places in either space or different previously non accessible areas. This could be a new and unique game mode or feature that would make the game much bigger and much more fun.

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  • hi, whatever happens i think there should be a year 4 before destiny 2. this new dlc should take place inside of the traveler, with new extremely hard strikes, multiple raids maybe even make it a race, which faction would reach the final boss first and besides, who could make stronger soldiers, weapons and armor, than the traveler itself! few plottwists, like your ghost is way more important than you. or minions of darkness actually being "the good guys" simple misunderstood because theyre so incredibly ugly overal, nothing wouldd make me happier than an last stand inside of the traveler sorry for any broken english, its not my first language T

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  • I would LOVE for the last update of destiny for bungie to bring back all of the raids and make it to where we can play them all and still get the rewards as if we were playing the newest expansion pass thus meaning to bring back all of the year one and two forgotten guns and armor I lived for destiny year one VOG was the best raid in the game sadly I have to use "was" and not "is".

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  • Trials with no radar and no revives was enjoyable and I think it helps trials pander to a wider audience. It would be cool to have that mode thrown into rotation here and there as well. Nightfall should have a guaranteed skeleton key drop. The drop rate is super low on those so a key a week guaranteed on each character would be nice.

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  • How about an exotic sword who's damage type corresponds with the same damage type as the subclass you use and also adds your melee Effect to lights swings

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  • I thought of a couple ways we could potentially fix the whole (shotgun) issue. This is only my opinion and is subject to change. My idea is if we change how the stats on the high and low impact shot gun work, it will make for more variety instead of this one (god roll) gun. Let's say that the low impact shotguns have longer range than the high impact, but have to hit more pellets. Also maybe you could get a boost to handling and movement speed. Then for the lower impact shotguns have lower range, but increase the impact so when you are point blank there is no way you won't kill them. However they are more sluggish so you can't (shot gun worrier) people. That would make the shotguns have more of a fusion rifle setup. Again this is just my opinion on one way we could change things up.

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  • Please make more missions matchmaking. Not that many people have friends that online. For me it is hard to get a team of six to do a raids, and specially the vault of glass. It would be a great improvement if you could make raids matchmaking so people won't have to go around and around trying to find people to do it with. It takes me about an hour for 6 people to joint because some arrive but then they leave due to the time spent waiting trying to find others.

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  • Exotic duel wield hand cannons or side arms. I know the hard cannon has a fan made concept art drawn. But I think the side arms would work better. Slightly nerf the side arms to do roughly 25% less and a single side arm and what not. Perks such as, extended mag, stability increase, and maybe fire fly for the lulz. And maybe have the ability to choice the burn it has. Maybe have it where the left does solar and the right does arc. If that's to op, then make it a one burn for both guns. I think it would be a really great fun gun to use in crucible or against weaker enemy's. Please get this to bungie and let them know about it. It would be great. I feel the duel hand cannons would be to op unless they did say 55 or 65 damage compared to a normal single wield hand cannon, that's why I'm suggesting side arms. If you lied my idea feel free to comment. Any ideas to add are welcome. Just please no negativity. Haha. Good day other guardians.

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  • Do you guys remember doing Vault of Glass or Crota's End back in year one when it was actually hard or maybe not hard but nostalgic because it actually required team work, where as now it's really easy because it is a year one raid, so my suggestion is that Bungie releases a platinum version of old raids, the idea is that they would adjust the difficulty of old raids to the modern difficulty, and you would get gear adjusted to what the time calls for, also they would update the raid further more in later updates like when rise of iron comes out.

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  • Sortable storage. I hate the fact there is no sortable storage option in your vault. I would even like a separate section for each gun type. Possibly even storing exotics in the blueprints board. Like giving you a free claim instead of spending shards.

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  • Edited by ZOMBEGAM3R: 5/8/2016 12:08:15 AM
    Bungie if you are listening put a mode like how halo reach firefight. Unlimited waves, modifiers like low ammo drop, no super activation, health degradation(poison) and harden foes(increase defense buff for enemies) between rounds; increasing difficulty as you survive to push gaurdians to their limits and rely on skill and strategic methods with allies to win the day . Yes i do realize that we do have prison of elders but its too short for me there on 3 rounds per wave and then a boss. I want to [b]survive [/b] as as long as i can. Lets face it the rewards are not what they used to be in POE. This time reward players with good rewards. Based on how long they held out. Like a fireteam should get a 330 armor peice if the make to wave 20 or something. Randomize the spawn pionts of enemies and the bosses we face spawn time. Please listen to plea. Thank you for all your time you spent making game i love to play.

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  • I'm not sure how many times this has been suggested or if this will be seen but, could we do a character redesign? Like Ive had my titan for over a year and I don't want to delete my hunter or warlock or my titan which Ive worked hard to complete everything on, just to redesign my character, like I want to gender change and species change and all that, I think female titans wear the armor better in most cases, so like maybe a Character Redesign token at the Eververse or a quest to unlock a modifier capsule and you can change your look once a week even, just so we aren't permanently stuck with the same look, we dont have permanent stats and everything is changeable so why not character redesigns? Let me know what ya'll think?

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    • More exotics. We're in a draught, they should at least double each year. Take your pick.

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      • Here another idea. Maybe more character slots. A couple new races. And class. Maybe a in-game pet or auction like house. Altho the auction house more and likely would never be used. Maybe keep vexs as a enemy and a playable race. Same with fallen. And calbal More ideas for you.

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      • Edited by Death Gun30: 12/17/2015 12:40:52 AM
        I say you could add more areas To earth venus and mars. If you Bering srl back a couple more tracks would be nice. Maybe races glimmer cap More ways to make lengedary marks. Altho there's a few already that are pretty simple. Ways to make tokens a treasures keys. Maybe add the bed mercury would be nices. Some more ways to make strange coin. Or low xurs prices by a lil bit. I know that not main ideas you take. I also know that most of my suggestions. Well get pissy answer form players. Cause they don't like it. Maybe for low levels instill players fix curcible Maybe with a 5 level differnets. Say 5 they 10. 10 They 15 etc..... Cause as a low level I got smoked my one friend to by everyone over 15. Now at 40 I feel bad for doing the same. And it be nice to id a enemy in curcible be for they kill me like make there name red or something. I really know that will get posts answers. Just my ideas use them don't. I don't care about drop rate so much as It be nice to equip not than in extoicted armor. Not weapons but at least armor. Maybe make legendary drop more often in say a strike or raid. Or whatever. It dose it matter. I personnel in a side note Like more interaction with the awoke queen. Signed Death Gun30

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      • Parkour. We already have the jumping mechanics. Just give us jumping puzzles

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        • No matter how much this entire community please, I feel it all falls on def ears Bungievision will do whatever the hell they want because they know people will stick around till the bitter end

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          • bump!

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          • Started a new topic: Ideas for a destiny 2, this will possibly save Destiny for people that were disappointed please respond

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