I think most meat is pretty expensive and vegetables aren't.
You say you kill animals for meat now, because maybe some day you don't have to kill them for meat anymore?
Edited by SSDxCrunchyWolf: 9/26/2014 4:36:45 AMMeat isn't that expensive. I just searched it up. Being vegan is more expensive. Also to answer your second question, no. I don't eat meat because there may possibly be a way to eat meat without killing animals. I eat meat because I like it and because I KNOW there is going to be a way to eat meat without killing animals. I know because it's already here. People will be eating 3D printed hamburgers in the near future. Scientist can already 3D print cells and are planning on using this technology for printing out new limbs for people. It's only a matter of time until I'm able to print out a ham sandwich. After this new age of 3D printing the only reasonable reason for someone to be vegan is for health reasons. Even that would be somewhat strange because it is possible to print out meat without any fat in it. You also don't have to worry about it containing cancer causing agents added during the processing of the meat.
Edited by PietjeVM: 9/26/2014 4:43:08 AMDon't you think that will be expensive?[spoiler]can't you go vegan 'till it's ready?[/spoiler]are vegetables really more expensive than meat?! Real meat, not burgergarbage.
This still isn't the video I was looking for but it still talks about the subject.
She was just saying junk food is very cheap and very unhealthy Are you poor and only eat junk food? They say junk food is cheap, steak isn't junk food.
Lol no I don't only eat junk food. I couldn't find the video I wanted to show you and that was the closest one to it. The video I wanted wanted to show you basically talks about how most people can't even afford real food but instead have to eat that fake food that you seen in the other video.(you know the one with the pig anus) If someone can't even afford real crab meat then I'm sure they won't be able to afford good fulfilling vegetables. Also keep in mind that 12% of adults and 30% of children live in poverty stricken areas and can only afford junk food.
So if all the other people go vegan, they help the economy and stuff and than no'one will be poor anymore and everyone can afford vegan!
By the time that happens we will already be able to clone cheap meat.
But only the rich people will be able to afford it, so first we have to make everyone rich by being vegan
Yes it is expensive now but the price will decrease in time. Technology will get better and become more commercial. You can already buy 3D printers that print candy. But that's not as advanced as 3D printing cells. Also you have to remember that most people can't actually afford real food. I couldn't find the video talking about the subject but what the food is really made out of in this video is pretty much what the average person can afford. The average can't afford to eat healthy fulfilling vegetables, especially when it's easier to just go out and buy some pig anus.
You're saying you don't want to be vegan because poor people can't afford it?
I never said that people shouldn't be vegan. It's just easier for most for them not to be vegan.
But YOU can be vegan?
Yeah but I don't want to. Especially when there's a solution right around the corner.
You don't know how long it will take to make it available to you
3D printing is on the rise. You can already pre-order an office 3D printer. I can guarantee that it will be available for a cheap price in at least 100 years. Honestly I think it'll be available in like 20 - 30 years but let's just say 100. We can go another 100 years of meat eating without having too many major complications. Also don't you think it's kinda wrong to not eat meat because it can think but instead eat vegetables. For all we know plants could possibly be able to think. They could just have a different way of doing it. Some scientist believe this to be true. I can't remember the name of the plant. It was some weird plant that closed its leaves whenever it got touched. Scientist would drop from the same height every day. Whenever it hit the ground the leaves would close. Then one day the leaves didn't close. They did it again and they still didn't close. They dropped it from a higher height and the leaves closed. They dropped from a lower height and the leaves closed. When dropped again from the same height as the first time they found that the leaves still didn't close. While this isn't the best evidence for plants being able to think but it gives toy an idea.
Maybe there are some reactions in the plant that make this happen, doesn't mean plants feel pain. When we stop eating meat, less plants are consumed, livestock needs much more plants than humans. If we keep living like this, possibly we aren't there anymore in 100 years. And IF we still are there, does that mean we can make animals and people suffer for 100 more years, until science POSSIBLY finds a solution?
It's not possibly, it's when. The science is already here, we're only waiting for it to get commercialized.
By then, we will possibly be extinct allready
Lol no, this stuff should be around at about 2020 - 2030. 3d printers are already kinda popular. My school has one.
But you will still let animals suffer for ten years?
I can't afford to be vegan. I don't even buy my own food lol.
But you can ask your parents to make you more vegan food or replace your burger with a vegan burger, easy
It's not like I'm obsessed with meat. I typically ear more veggies than meat. But there are just too many foods that I enjoy that contain meat that I don't want to give up.
Lol what? People only do things that please them. That's the only reason thin gs get done. Example: you don't eat meat because the abuse of animals displeases you. So you no longer eat meat and the thought of less meat being eaten pleases you. Almost everything we have was made for or because of some form of pleasure.