Probably too late to change anyone's mind, but I strongly encourage any fellow Scots to vote Yes to independence tomorrow.
Despite the vast numbers of scare stories and lies being told by Better Together, we have nothing to lose. Alistair Darling has admitted we can keep the pound, Michael Moore has admitted we would be economically stable and William Hague has admitted that the promises of more devolution are 'not a reflection of planned government policy' aka lies. The only ones with reason to lie are Westminster, because they're the ones with the most to lose. What reason does Yes have to lie? None.
A Yes vote will result in an economically, socially, democratically and environmentally more advanced Scotland, a No vote will result in a continuation of our finances being controlled by Westminster, of governments we didn't vote for and of being dragged into international affairs we would rather keep out of.
If you're worried about the risk, think about the risk of the conservatives winning the next general election and laying waste to our public services. Don't listen to the sinister lies and schemes to keep Scotland under Westminster control, vote Yes for our future in our own hands.
Edited by VerbotenMaschine: 9/17/2014 7:38:08 PMFrom the Divided States, I wish you manly, kilt-wearing drunks the best of luck. And if the vote fails and you're still under British rule, remember: the best way to annoy them is to wreck their tea. Preferably with ocean water. Trust me. I'm American. We've done this before.
Just do it the American way. Start a revolution, dress up as Indians (or Picts) and make the biggest pot of tea the world has ever seen. I recommend a bay or lake of some sort. And BANG! Problem solved: you are now an independent nation.
[b] [/b]
Good luck, enjoy making history if you win.
Good luck from Canada!
Edited by IXI Ipman IXI: 9/17/2014 5:46:52 PMI'm Scottish heritage and Scotland has a bad history with England. Yes for independence
Im not scottish (english actually) and my opinion is this - Save yourself , be free and get away from that piece of shit Cameron and westminister
Since the Scots would no longer be part of the UK, will they still be one of the UN Security Council's permanent members?
Edited by codmoh: 9/17/2014 5:32:53 PMAs a Brit, I have nothing against Scottish independence. I just don't think salmond or any of Scotlands senior figures have a plan, and so I personally would vote no. A Yes vote results in a free Scotland, not necessarily a more advanced or superior one. Good luck, though.
I'm irish and what is this? [spoiler]jk.Hope you get your independence.[/spoiler]
Edited by TheDesertRanger: 9/17/2014 5:29:45 PMThe main thing we should all worried about [spoiler]Nigel Ferage[/spoiler] [spoiler]if he gets in parliament, Invasion of Scotland=guarantied[/spoiler]