originally posted in:Armored Guardians
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Hey guys! After a bit of research on the different types of legendary armors you can purchase in the tower, I found out that every faction in the tower actually sells the same gear. I looked at screenshots and videos and came to the conclusion that all factions just have different color schemes, but are identical (armor rating, abilities, strength rating etc.)
The only other armors that stand out are the crucible and iron banner gear. I found that the gear had similar armor ratings. But, unlike the factions, they weren't identical in appearance. They both have different perks that are directed at being beneficial in PvP, but are still good for PvE.
Another type of armor is the class armor you can purchase without crucible points. Although legendary and bad-ass in appearance, their armor ratings and perks are slightly inferior to the rest of the armors.
Put simply, if you want the best gear you can't farm for, PvP is the place for you.
That's it guys! What do you think? Which faction will you specialize in? Or will you try to prove yourself in the iron banner? Maybe you'll just go with the inferior class armor. The choice is yours guardians.
Shape your Destiny.
(If you were wondering, I didn't mention faction/ PvP guns because I want to do a separate post about those. I excluded faction colors. I do recommend seeing them for yourself)
Edited by THE RENAULT CC: 8/31/2014 7:03:04 PMThe only thing that varies faction to faction are the armour perks, each faction normally has two armour sets (iron banner is an exception). The armour sets all vary from eachother based on their skills and perks. A new monarchy chest piece may have AR ammo bonus and future war cult may have a pulse rifle ammo bonus. For hunters using scout rifles Dead Orbit seemed to be a good choice.