Usually I don't make threads like these but I found it particularly interesting.
Now if you don't know what vore is I'll give a brief lay down.
Vore is the fetish involving eating/swallowing another being while they're alive. It is a fantasy fetish, meaning it is made up of drawings, stories and 3D animation. For the most part those who are into vore do not participate in real life vore.
There are two main types of the kink
-Hard Vore
Which is the eatin of another by tearing them apart.
-Soft Vore
Which is swallowing the prey whole without breaking skin or bones
There are a ton of subcategories to it. Which makes it very complex and colorful.
But that's very long winded so I won't go into that.
Why is there a day for vore?
While I'm not sure why it started in the first place, the reason it started for English users is because Japanese vore communities already celebrate it.
It is seemingly more abundant in Japan
(Most of the art that English V community holds is from Japan)
Just something neat I thought I would share
For some reason I can't find you on xbox lel
Smi, if you were a steak I'd eat you first ;D
Edited by Tartan 118: 8/11/2014 6:47:06 PMI normally don't get this aggressive, but that date has two 8s in it. Get your own weirdo day, bitch.
lol omfg rofl Is there no end to the stupidity and ridiculousness of this world? XD
I actually have so many jokes I want to make to this topic but I can't think on an empty stomach. [spoiler]Damn I'm -blam!-ing smooth. [/spoiler]
Vore fetish, best fetish.
Edited by asir: 8/12/2014 1:45:42 AMI think the best thing I've seen is boob vore, where a woman has huge sentient breasts, which have nipples big enough to consume people. The Internet is something.
The [b]f[/b]uck is this shit lol
Damn I forgot to celebrate
8/8 = ate/ate
Well, that's enough internet for today.
Did you know that "feeding" (literally feeding food to an obese partner) is a fetish now in America? Sometimes I feel like putting species distinctions between different groups of humanity is a really good idea.
How does a person being eating alive give you a boner? I don't even. I just don't.
I prefer biting, it's doable in real life. So is vore but you know you can't go around eating people >.> [spoiler]I wonder what human tastes like[/spoiler]
I like girls
[spoiler]I kinda have this But pure fantasy and not actually doing it. There's just something... I don't even know how to explain it Never told anyone that before and I doubt I will ever be able to tell anyone again. It's definitely on the weirder side... and yet not my only one [/spoiler]
Why would you share this D:
lol ITT : angsty teens that are scared of the truth
I could get into that.
[quote]Vore is a fetish of eating, swallowing another being alive[/quote] I stopped reading there.
I'm not into it, but I don't see anything wrong or disgusting with it.
[b] [/b]
This made me lol.
Edited by Legend To None: 8/11/2014 7:16:09 PMI am trying to eat here...