Okay! So, rather then searching through thread after thread and answering questions, I will just answer all that come through here. Ask for any kind of answer you want (my opinion, what we know for fact, what we speculate, what we data mined, ect.). Go Go Go!
EDIT: Picture of [url=http://gamerant.com/wp-content/uploads/Bungie-Destiny-Persistent-Open-World.jpg]The Reef[/url]
EDIT II: We'll probably stop this next Tuesday when the game is out
EDIT III: GG guys. Now that the game is out, this thread is useless. I suppose you can check to see how right I was....I guess?
Edited by Noneman55: 8/7/2014 6:12:34 PMPlease answer these questions: Is there a map of mars somewhere yet? How many raids will there be? If I can only play a one or two hours a day due to a busy schedule, will I be miles behind a majority of players playing non-stop destiny? In the beta I wore a lot of armor that I didn't find as visually appealing, but I wore them because they offered more defense strength and discipline, will I have this problem in the full game? On a similar note, I really want my female human hunter to progress from a rough rogue scout to a bright legendary graceful bladedancer, and I would love to, at end-game, have some beautiful white armor and capes and carry an exotic scout rifle, and a legendary sniper-rife and high rate of fire heavy machine gun. But what if the rewards I get are inconsistent with what I want my build to be and I end up with say some legendary blue armor, the thorn hand cannon, an legendary shot gun, and a legendary rocket launcher, and these are so much better than all the other weapons and gear I have, so I will be forced to use these and customize my character in an unsatisfactory nature, just to I can be more powerful in PvP or powerful enough to do raids and such. I've been worried this is a problem but I don't know for sure if it will be. It would be so so awesome to get back to me on this, thanks!!!