According to a relative who works for Microsoft in the xbox live department, teabagging in video games can be considered harassment. So do not teabag me or I will file a report. Enjoy your bans noobs.
I commend your efforts to draw the more idiotic trollbait away from the other threads on this board. You have my heartfelt thanks.
Lel. Masterbait. Funnies.
Hahaha and then explain them because u got tbaged they just laugh on u.
If i can't tbag you, i'll teabag ye mum OOOOOOHHHH
I've always found Tea Bagging as childish... VERY childish!
Edited by BlueSamoyed: 8/7/2014 4:09:39 PMLol *teabags the butthurt noob while eating chips* jk
The profile pic for this is a little too perfect...
HahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahagahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.[spoiler]good luck in life bro.[/spoiler][spoiler]hahahahahahahaha[/spoiler]
Expect pelvic dips bro. I see what you did there, but still getting extra. Just. Because.
GR8 B8 M8, R8 8/8. It's funny when people don't pay attention. #Nobodyreadshashtags
Going to be junk jumping on everyone
I can't wait to tea bag you!
lol I looked at the tags
If i teabag someone it is usually as a sign of respect.As in "Sir, i have outsmarted you i am willing to rub my genitals on your face as a sign of reverence to your struggle. Continue on my brother in arms and may fate smile upon you at our next encounter."
what is this t"bag you speak about i know of no such thing. will get back to you after further testing. signed NOT SO HONEST
Edited and changed profile picture? What is going on here? [spoiler]Cheeky[/spoiler]
Nice try. I'm gonna look for you specifically now and do it. Enjoy my digital balls. Oh, btw. Contradict much? nice profile picture. TROLL
Edited by Uber: 8/7/2014 7:13:00 AMI'm dropping my digital balls [i]deep[/i] into your mouth for complaining about this bæ. Play the game and enjoy it, k bruh? :3 [spoiler]EEAH![/spoiler]
I'm just trying to resuscitate you!... with my testicles.
Edited by Sack Of Dongles: 8/7/2014 6:16:40 AM"I really didn't want to teabag your corpse, but you fell in such a funny position." Every time a comedic teabag moment is missed, an angel looses it's wings.
Haha u cant get banned for that noob ive tea bagged at least 50k ppl across a few games and never got banned although my rep says 76% ppl avoid me for different reasons trash talk and unsporting conduct(tea bagging) being most of it lol
Lol xbox
Tea bagging is immature.
I'm sorry I only tea bag on sync
I will happily dance over your blown apart corpse. Or I may have a sit on your ashes. 'Murica land of choices.