originally posted in:Hunters of Destiny
Hey guys, this is a place for all you Xbox guys to share your gamertags. My gamertag is HoD Deadeye. I look forward to playing destiny with you, guardians. See ya on the Frontier! (gamertags only. this is not a place for group advertising, if you advertise your post will be deleted)
Hey there guys GT is ISolarLEclipseI Lvl 28 Hunter Usually need some Destiny friends to help with the weekly and such.
Edited by IrilinThePotato: 5/5/2015 8:36:18 PMXbox one Gt: IrilinThePotato Level 31 hunter Hey everyone feel free to add me or message me to do raids,strikes or whatever I'm always up for it.
Add me if you'd like.. Lvl 32 hunter... I play every night from 3pm PST til whenever.. Gamertag is Humbology
Hey. New to group. Level 23 Hunter. Xbox 360. RumpRoast71. Mainly play about 4:30am eastern time. That's when everyone is still sleeping and I can have my fun.
Edited by Just F3AR: 1/26/2015 3:47:13 AMF3AR X Guardian xbox 360 Hunter level 32 looking for a raid party to do the crota hard raid tomorrow.
ItsMillertyme33 Gt on XB1. 30 hunter just working those upgrades to 32atm. Down for whatever when I'm on!
Same as name above. 25 hunter xbox one
Edited by LordDaElk: 1/1/2015 4:52:29 PMGt: as above/X360/crucible skirmish /lvl20 hunter. (Xmas noob )
Xbox one gt same as name
Add me I play most nights have a mic And use it My GT is .... CIA360MODZ XBOX 1
Lvl 31 hunter and lvl 30 hunter gt is iiii mraw iiii will help with raid/nightfall Australian sever on most days
Edited by X breeze Z: 12/22/2014 11:06:39 AMLvl 29 hunter coolbreeze2411 from the uk on every night. Xb1
Xbox one and Xbox 360 Legowan Kenobi, lvl 27 hunter.
lvl 30 Hunter on 360 UnfixedArm is the name, Destiny is ma game! PS i hav maxed Mythoclast
Edited by DevTig: 12/15/2014 11:35:21 PMXbox one Dericksen lvl 24 Looking to do raids and such
Tvsk Force Lvl 25
Xbox one level 30 hunter wanna play right now gt is name
Yenmit 3 level 30s. I'm on most days
360 gt same
Xbox one Gt- l tazz i
Xbox one Zerogonkillua Hunter 25
Edited by Heroic Vigilant: 12/10/2014 6:31:54 PMjuggernot42 Xbox 360
Edited by Siruall: 12/7/2014 3:26:46 PMLvl 11 titan looking for friends for casual gaming, story missions, etc. Xbox 360 Add Siruall Cheers
Edited by Rhino: 12/7/2014 5:18:52 AMGt: DaRhinoMC XBox One Lvl 22 hunter
WBG Apok Xbox360 lvl 30 blade dancer
Xbox 1