Ok, so my first game I ever played was Sonic the Headgehog on the SEGA. However I moved on to PlayStation, Nentendo 64, PC, PlayStation 2, Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Xbox One. In that order. I have every game I ever had for a system and every system still works today. I even play SEGA on my TV now a days. That community is called commitment.
Anyway, Long Live Bungie!
Super Mario World. Such a great game.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 I think lol
That tank game on Atari. Have no idea what it's called.
It was either Pac-man or Combat...or possibly even Pong.
Golden eye N64
Crash Bandicoot: Time Warped on the PlayStation 1
Halo CE
The very first crash bandicoot
Pokemon Blue. I was so -blam!-ing mad when my brother wiped my save with a level 100 Blastoise and all the legendaries. But I mean, he was like 6 or something.
The first game I ever played was DOOM. Sat on my step dads lap to play it when I was like 2. I still love that game. :3
Edited by VENiiOM: 8/2/2014 9:46:40 AMI think it was oddworld Abe's exoddus or crash bandicoot on the ps1
Time crisis 1 In an arcade
It was either The Oregon Trail, or Monopoly on an old Computer that looked like a sewing machine shell with a screen.
Not 100%, but it was either GTA Vice City or Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Vortex
It's hard to remember. I was either Halo CE, Pac-Man world 2 or King Kong: The Video Game. I do know that I was scared of the Elites though...
Amastrad cpc 464 with tapes, I think the name of the game was Sorcery. It was something like 30 years ago. Omg..
I remember the first game I ever played was the dual-disc with Jet Set Radio Future and Sega GT. That was when I was young and had gotten my first xbox. Oh the memories...
Halo 1
Hard to say, because I was very young. I do distinctly remember playing Mario Kart when I was 3. The first game I actually got into and really sparked my passion for games was Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Pong when I was two. I know a photo exists but A) It's not on me. B) I'm not gonna show my youngest self online...
Spyro The Dragon on PS1 Those were the days
Edited by s: 8/2/2014 6:18:15 AMPac-Man on an Arcade Machine at the public swimming center and Tetris on Windows 95. First console game I ever played was either Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt or Super Mario World. It's been a long time and I can't recall.
Diddy Kong Racing on the N64.
Atari 2600 Space Invaders and Pitfall
First game I'm not sure but the first couple were dragster and break out on the Atari 2600.
SkiFree. :)