Dearest beloved Floodians, new and old, come, read and be merry.
As many of you users here have noticed, whether you are old Flood, new Flood, Destiny dwellers, or just Bungie fans in general, there has been a great divide in this specific forum (Offtopic). For you newer members, you're just plain confused. For us older members, we're sick of the drama. For you Destiny fans, I'm sure you find it amusing that the community that gives you such a hard time is in disarray. For Bungie fans and staff alike, I'm sure you just want it to settle itself.
For the confused, I'll make a long story short.
Many of the alleged "veterans" in this specific forum, the Flood as we call it, Offtopic to some of you, have become uneasy and restless in the past year and a half. Ever since B.Next struck, they haven't been able to handle the change. They've also taken up arms against the community manager, and MANY of them jumped on the hate DeeJ bandwaggon. Also, for some odd reason, this forum is utterly pissed about the Marty O'Donnell situation, and hold Bungie solely responsible and act like Bungie killed their puppy. Needless to say, there is a lot of anger here.
Due to their demands for DeeJ's removal from his job being ignored, and their constant complaints about nearly everything that transpires here also being ignored, they have acquired the mentality that they are "oppressed" and Bungie hates them and wants them gone. They also treat Bungie like they owe them something because they've been a member (free of charge) here for X amount of years.
So the newest update strikes, and this forum deemed it the "last straw" and packed up and left and made a new home. Like whiny little brats who didn't get their way, and stormed off to their room. For comical relief, the door slamming would be metaphorical with them returning here "rubbing" in the fact that they have most of the Flood in their new generic Bungie site.
And that is a brief history of why you are witnessing this divide.
TRUE FLOOD, HEAR ME! Those who have remained loyal, who have been able to wait out the bugs, and deal with the change and learn to accept it; YOU ARE THE TRUE FLOOD. Forget what the "veterans" say about you! You are not "newfomans", you are not "offtopites" simply because you remained here. You are simply our newest addition to this community. And you all have something to contribute.
I have been watching this place my brothers. The deserters have been returning here trying to recruit you for their cause. Making you feel that the best of the members left, and you should too. Do not be fooled by their treachery and lies! You all witnessed the garbage and drama they brought here yesterday from the chaos of their offsite. They destroyed themselves and used our peaceful home to sling mud at each other. Now they have rebuilt, and bid us to join them in Hotel California. Telling us, [i]they[/i] are the Flood now.
My brothers, my sisters, The Flood was birthed here. Bungie is our true home. She has protected us from disorder, moderated us accordingly, and brought us maintenance when we needed it. She has watched over us for nearly two decades. Let's not abandon her.
Many of you will say that I have no place saying any of this. That this account was made after the B.Next update. It is time I reveal my identity...
Brad Pitt: [i]Sons of Bungie! I am Strider1115.[/i]
Members: [i]Strider1115 is seven feet tall and an eight year member![/i]
Brad Pitt: [i]Yes, I've heard. Kills deserters by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the disloyal with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse.
I AM Strider1115! And I see a whole army of my Floodians, here in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men... and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight?[/i]
Members: [i]Fight? Against the "veterans"? No! We will run. And we will live.[/i]
Brad Pitt: [i]Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!!!!!!![/i]
Stand strong my brothers! This is a new era for us. Let us forge a new destiny. Where we accept new members and treat them as equals. Where we stand in the face of this tyranny from the offsite, beckoning us to sale our souls and loyalty to them.
Stay, and enjoy a forum free from the toxic users, until they return and demand we reinstate their glory. But we will laugh, and we will strike them down.
We are the true Flood. Pay no heed to the heretics. Let us forge a bond between ourselves the likes of which have never been seen.
The Flood still lives.
You do realize most of us are only waiting out Bungie to fix their shit on the website? You know, crap like the slow forums, timestamps that don't work, etc.
Plus, much of the DeeJ hate is warranted after how he's conducted himself concerning this website's problems.
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