You might get grossed out but here are the pictures.
[url=]A video on it[/url]
He basically cut two holes in his cheek. I think he's -blam!-ing nuts but he can chop his dick off and replace it with his nose for all I care. What do you think?
He went full retard.
-lights match- Burn the witch •_•
Edited by asir: 7/18/2014 6:04:15 PMI've seen that here in Seattle. Nothing new. Probably makes brushing your back teeth a lot easier. I've seen weirder things. Like I saw this one guy who put a valve in his penis that let him control what could/could not come out, and which direction he would piss (forwards like normal, or downwards out of a hole halfway across his penis.) I heard he did it without anesthesia but I don't know if I believe that.
Attention whores come in all shapes and sizes.
Wtf humans. Wtf
Let's see him brand himself next!
Edited by Spinager: 7/21/2014 5:02:56 AMA lot of hate in this thread
I think when he's in a car crash and needs CPR natural selection will get his ass.
pretty sure Joel will end up like this guy except with even more holes in his face
my face hurts just looking at that ...<cringe> Apparently though the trend is that body modification is looking to be the next big fashion in the world, especially in this generation...
Eww @ his face
The drool must be horrible, but then again, the only reason I could imagine him doing that is to suck more dick.
I do not know but the guys in the video seemed more interesting than the German kid. I mean look at them, it seems like it is a comedy routine, and it feels like both heads are part of one body.
Edited by Nemo: 7/18/2014 11:52:35 PMGermans, man. They really are the Master Race.
Emo, totally emo
Yeah, I have seen that picture plenty of times. He is quite the dumbass for that.
[i] [/i]
I saw this not too long ago. I feel bad for him, there's no fixing that later in life.
He sounds like a [i]cheeky[/i] bastard.
[quote]That's disgusting.[/quote]
That's disgusting.
Good for him? ITT: Things you will regret as you grow older.
What tattoos?
I wonder if his future self will appreciate his younger actions.
I've seen some crazy body mods but that was still unexpected.