Would you get a: sleeve, a name or just some emblem. I wanna here everyone's ideas.
A small dot somewhere on my body.
Probably something simple and nerdy, like this.
On my arm.
Edited by asir: 7/12/2014 7:25:34 PMGet a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) across my forehead
Coptic crucifix.
A small dot (from a single tattoo needle) on my arm that I would proceed to cut out of my flesh.
Paragon Logo on my arm.
A footprint on the bottom of my foot.
A small dot under armpit so no one would see. GG OP
Edited by OnlyCommission: 9/17/2017 7:43:25 AM
Tattoo me black so I can call people the n word with no repercussions.
A clown duel-wielding LMGs
Penis in a very unrecognizable language
ODST emblem
I'd get the words "Your Name" tattooed on my ass. Then I'd go to bars betting people "I've got your name tattooed on my ass".
Edited by LowIQPlayz3445: 7/12/2014 6:39:36 AMThis on my upper arm. Or this. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111203054115/swtor/images/1/16/Mandalorian_logo.jpg
A SMALL dot about half a inch total
Edited by Nemo: 7/13/2014 3:55:41 AMProbably a bunch of band logos combined in a way that looks good. Rammstein, Heldmaschine, Eisbrecher, perhaps Disturbed's Believe logo somewhere...
The sleeve I already have planned. Thank you
Forced to get a tattoo? The threads on this forum are -blam!-ing terrible.
Dragon on my wrist.
Probably something along the lines of this.
Ether the Halo Legendary logo, or the this; http://i.imgur.com/Ct7aSB7.png