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Edited by Cheddar Nuts: 8/27/2014 5:47:41 PM

Bungie betraying it's original fans!

This thread is long overdue. Because Bungie abandoned it's ORIGINAL fans a long time ago. Over what? Some money? It's a blatant betrayal to those that literally supported this company at the beginning. Where's our compensation? Am I right? Apple users unite!!

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  • Original fans didn't have to stick to Xbox. I didn't lol

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  • Wow... this thread is PERFECT!... there are soooo many ignorant comments in here. This is a great way to weed out users that don't know how to read or don't know their bungie history. hahahaha, if you don't get the joke look closer.

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  • How is bungie betraying it's original fans because it was very obvious from the beginning that they were in bed with playstation. So I myself bought a ps4 knowing I wanted to be where bungie looked like they were going to be because I'm a fan of bungie. You on the other hand are a xbone fan (which I own) mad at bungie for there decisions?

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    • Who cares about Apple users...

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      • Edited by DERK 91: 7/10/2014 3:18:17 PM
        they never abandoned us dude! they're still here and so are we. they just simply needed to move on to something new and exciting. also... why complain about ps getting beta first? bug that they find will most likely be in the 360 and x1 version as well and get fixed b4 we get it. we will be getting a better version, really we'll be getting the best version it could be before the game comes out.

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        • Bahahaha. Nice touch at the end with Apple Users Unite. 10/10!

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        • 16
          "[i]Bungie betraying it's original fans[/i]"... Oh really? I am one of Bungie's original/veteran fans since Halo CE (2000) and i don't see why Bungie betrayed us. You are like Xbox users that STILL DOES'T UNDERSTAND like holding an umbrella while a god throwing an intelligence on people. Seriously, let me explain. Oh, please fetch me a mic! And i apologize if my english is sh**ty. Some loyal Playstation users know your feels about Beta for Xbox 360/One but you still doesn't understand about: - Bungie works with Activision, [b]IT [u]DOESN'T[/u] MEAN "BETRAYAL"![/b] Bungie were getting tired by Micro$oft who barking them to making more Halo games. That's why Bungie quit them to making another game OUTSIDE of Halo. What's Bungie's passion? Making the games for making us happy. NOT EATING OUR WALLET LIKE MICRO$OFT! As a huge Halo fangirl for 12 years, I am not only one who losing our Halo faith after playing Halo 4. Microsoft and 343 Industries already ruined, tortured and killed Halo univers. - Before that, Xbox has EVERYTHINGS like beta/exclusives from Halo, Gears of War, Titanfall, ect... as they give a middlefinger to Sony. I hate how Xbox users are still whinning like 10 years old kids about Destiny gets Alpha, Beta and exclusives for PS3/PS4. It is because Sony already paid to Bungie first than Micro$oft. [b]This year, it is now Playstation's turn to get exclusives first.[/b] Thanks you~♥ *mic drop* *walks away like a boss*

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          32 Replies
          • I can't believe how many people aren't getting the joke.

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            2 Replies
            • Is this going to be either closed or released from ninja grip at some point?

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            • It just keeps getting better.

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            • lol. worst part is when they mention that destiny might get released on pc.... i don't think they're talking about macs

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            • What you just typed is one of the insanley idiotic things I have ever read. Not once in your incoherent blabbering were you even close to be considered a rational thought. Anyone who has read this is now dumber having read that. I award you no points and my god have mercy on your soul.

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              • You do know that Bungie is just doing good business. They got handed money to release the beta for Ps4/Ps3 users first and then the Xbox a bit later, its not that bad and it also might have something to do with testing how much players the servers can handle or something as well, not just Sony paying Bungie. These are some reasons to not cry about it Xbox fanboy's ( because i know its a lot of people): 1) Just think, If i were to give you lets say $100 to high five 1 of your friends and then high five the next friend the next day would you take the money? 2) Ps4/Ps3 users get to play the beta on the 17th until the 21st because it will be down for maintenance then both console can enjoy the beta until the 27th.Now this isn't much because the first day will be heaps buggy and then Ps4 users get to test out all the other bugs for Bungie to fix in their beta on the maintenance days and then everyone can play the real beta with no bugs. 3)Be happy that you get to play the beta to this awesome game because its a privilege for you to play it not everyone has that. Also money is how the world works so get used to it.

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                • Edited by ash: 7/9/2014 11:12:40 AM
                  [quote]Apple users unite![/quote]It's a shame, Halo was looking like such a good game too. Now it's doomed to fail on the trainwreck that is Xbox.

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                  • I guess over half the people in this thread don't get it or cannot read

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                  • Edited by Surfing Raziel: 7/9/2014 12:13:30 PM
                    Actually Apple Macintosh game series called Marathon, then Myth the fallen lords (on Mac and PC). They then jumped ship to Microsoft with Halo and now again with Sony (although less as Microsoft users still have access). So get you facts straight before you make an conspiracy theory or whatever this is supposed to be.

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                    • Is this really being marked for ninja justice?!

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                      • [quote]This thread is long overdue.[/quote] Really? I have seen 30,000 of these in the past.

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                        • Oh yeah cuz #bungeeusuk will totally make bungie feel bad for you

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                          • Well played sir. Fan the HATE. It must grow into a maelstrom of contempt for all that Bungie has done. Victory to the Xbox Alliance!

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                            • This thread. Just this thread. Thanks for the laughs. So many people posting without reading the entire OP.

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                            • Dont worrys sony is Nevergonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you

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                              • Stahp

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                              • Maybe someone asked bungie what they would do for a klondike bar ;)

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                                • I give up.

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