Now Bungie are being really retarded with having different beta time lengths. Will it really kill to have them the same?
Yes, it might literally kill the servers for several million people to hit the servers at the same time. Do any of you actually realize how big this game will be and how many will be playing? We're talking GTA v amounts of people.
someone paid for extra time.. someone else didn't. cause capital interest inflate and deflate on a fluctuating variable of integrated.... its a business*
Why does everyone blame bungie it's money money is the reason of exclusives PS payed bungie to make the game better on PS systems
Truly what is wrong with having the beta length the same on both consoles, then everybody would be happy. Some equality wld be awesome. I guess PS sorta deserve some special treatment after halo. Jesus I hate exclusives. Of any kind.
Edited by Kurupter_: 7/8/2014 7:19:44 AMToo many posts of hate. Everyone chill and think is Bungie really bad? I'm sure Xbox would've had all the Sony benefits if there wasn't bad blood between the two companies. I can give two rat kraps about the console war, give them credit of giving original content, story line, and a true online experience [u]To All Gamers Period![/u] Edit: Rant Would EA ever give you a quality Beta? Hell no buddy. They ship out low res and logic jarring quality of a super buggy Battlefield 4 mod. Alpha is still better than any other Beta game ever released to the public. Destiny Beta will be better than all COD [u]initial releases[/u] to date quality wise. END OF LINE \n
its funny if it were the other way around ps owners would be doing the same complaining its fine though let them walk and talk like gods to us, for no one can control the tides of destiny they will fall off their high horse soon enough
This thread is proof that all these inbred autists of #Density can't be reasonable.
If it's anything like the alpha, you will get plenty of time to experience everything. 3-4 days are more than enough.
Edited by pawno: 7/8/2014 7:22:05 AMYou can't be serious??? It's a demo for christs sakes! With the amount of whining on these boards from Xbox owners anyone would think that Destiny was now a PlayStation exclusive kinda like what Microsoft did with EA and Titanfall >.< As an Xbox owner you'll still get a taste of the game before release (which is awesome) and you'll get exactly the same game on launch day as PS4 owners (minus some timed exclusive content which you will get at some point too). Microsoft have been doing this sort of exclusivity with Call of Duty for years - it's just way the business operates. If you're that upset about it you could, you know, buy a PlayStation 4. I own both consoles but prefer multi-plattforms on PS4 as it's winning the performance battle at this point, but still play and enjoy my Xbox One for MS exclusives.
[quote]Now Bungie are being really retarded with having different beta time lengths. Will it really kill to have them the same?[/quote]
[quote]Will it really kill to have them the same?[/quote] Would it really kill to stop crying over a demo?
Stop your bitching
Edited by LegacyOfTheAsh: 7/8/2014 7:08:33 AMShut up and go pre-order several copies the limited editions like a good tool.
Hier kommt der weinerlich Hündinnen, bringe hervor ninja Gerechtigkeit!!!!!!!!
#DestinyForXbox #WeAreXbox #NotInvisible
*Inhales to comment* *Realizes it is another shitpost* Not worth it.
It's like #Destiny is always in the middle of a shit storm when I come here.
*Turns corner, shakes head in disapproval, proceeds to walk away*
Sissy pants 😭
Quit cry and sack up bitch
I don't think Destiny is the joke, cause I'm only laughing at you...doesn't that make you the joke. Go choke on that food for thought. LMAO...Just f**king with you bud. With all the hate on the forums today I figured I would contribute to it some way...LOL
Plus the possible day 1 dlc
Destiny will be the biggest new IP in gaming.
Edited by xXMr Anderson8Xx: 7/8/2014 12:11:49 PMYOU'RE A JOKE!!![spoiler]runs away crying [/spoiler]
Stop whining, it is a beta. As a society we turned into you owe me something. Bungie does not owe anything to anyone. All there are on the forum right now is a bunch of whining about beta length, prior games there are only a select group of beta testers, now they opened it up to a lot of people. Be thankful for a day to play around in an unfinished game. Bungie should ban beta access for everyone that is whining since babies should not play video games.