How should you respond? Try walking away like nothing happened? Throw some bread crumbs to the sidewalk?
Edit: I assume all women who only want equal rights to be "humans", not feminists.
See if she's the scary kind. If she is, run. If she's normal and just wants equality, befriend that lady.
-blam!- her brains out, teach her the error of her ways lol
Basically this.
>Exterminate on contact >awarded Nobel peace prize
C[i]u[/i]nt punt
If she's ugly: Blow my -blam!- whistle and cry because I know she was checking me out. If she's hot: lol, there are no hot feminists.
Pull out a sociology textbook, and show her how horribly stupid her extremist stance is, and then explain I'm a classical feminist, in all of my CIS glory!
Laugh and say forever alone... if straight
they dont both with me
I'm sorry I'm white! I'm sorry I'm male! Why can't I stop oppressing people? Why am I a monster?
Edited by Flee: 7/7/2014 7:11:05 PM>look her dead in the eyes >wink >her face drenched with tears, lips quivering >everyone around stops in their tracks, looking at this sight of violent male oppression >hold the door while smiling politely >she wearily steps through, clearly shaken by this patriarchal demonstration of misoginy >"T-thank you", she whispers >already walking away, I look over my shoulder >"it was... my privilege" Your privilege boys. Learn to check it.
Whats a feminist? Some kind of boss battle?
Edited by True Velox: 7/8/2014 9:43:32 AMStart a discussion about gender and intersectionality, and see where we both stand. If they're the extremist type, I'll move on. If they are a true feminist, we can talk some more.
POW!!! Right in the Kisser!! That's what you do.
Edited by ChaosMetalMarty: 7/8/2014 6:55:03 AMUse my Telekinetic male Privilage to oppress her away as seen in the video above
Edited by FatherlyNick: 7/8/2014 6:51:55 AMI believe this song says it best. "I don't like when you talk, because that means you're not sucking my khack."
You must run, they travel in large packs and you have just ran into their scout. In approximately 10 seconds they will be running around the corner to destroy you and your horrible oppressive ways.
Say Hi. I like women too. ;)
If it were one of the more radical ones I'd laugh at them. I live alone in isolation for a damn good reason, and rabid feminists are among the list of shit people I don't have to deal with in my life. You can't pull the patriarch card shit on me if I'm an isolationist.
Normal feminist no trouble just half listen while working feminist [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] I move along I am allergic to bullshit so I can't stay close
Edited by Leeroy Jenkins: 7/7/2014 9:22:12 PMPoke em I'm good friends with this girl Abigale who is a normal feminist (guys = girls), but she has friends who are femin@zis (guys < girls). Anyway whenever they annoy me I just poke them.
Bust a nut in her face
I was friends with a feminist for almost a year. An obnoxious one. She tried picking fights with me from time to time, obviously, because I'm a white heterosexual male. I remember having to walk on eggshells around her and it feels good that I don't have to do that anymore.
Wear this and hump her leg. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Laugh derisively.
Punch her in the ovaries