Edited by Pneuma_Lady: 7/1/2014 1:46:54 AMWhat exactly, may I ask is a "Sony Pony"?
Yeah, that's what I was implying... I leave sarcastic or satirical comments on pretty much every one of Beaver's posts. I do not think the Playstation Players ruined the community. I do not think the Xbox players who felt wronged ruined the community. I do not think the PC community, when it does come, will ruin the community. I think there is an idiotic, ignorant, and immature minority of this community, that either a.) doesn't want to see the world for how it really is and wants to complain about perceived wrongs/rights or b.) enjoys making stupid threads in order to cause arguments.
Yeah, what you said.
Xbox will always remain as Bungie's original home. Never forget!
Playstation and Mac/PC were Bungie's home before being chained down to the xbox for 10 years.
If it wasn't for the "chaining" to Xbox, Bungie might not have been as popular as it is today and possibly might not even still be in business. The Halo franchise brought a steady stream of revenue along with a large fan base. I'm not condoning the position Microsoft put Bungie in but it did help in the long run fan base wise. I do not have an opinion on the gaming systems though. I think it would be cool to have a PC but really just because of the abundance of fun mods, but The consoles give me a cheaper and ,in some ways, easier to play games online with my friends.
Either way, I'll always remember that I was introduced to Bungie through Halo.
Prior to Destiny the xbots were marginalized outside of the game forums too. The Sony Ponies riled them up with their constant console wars bullshit and now cry now that the xbots are hitting back. They made their bed its time for them to sleep in it.
>Xbots aren't hitting back in any way because they have nothing to hit back with. >Xbots have been doing nothing but crying "muh alpha", "bungie is abandoning us".
Was talking more about gaming, but you can continue to keep sperging if you want.
And you can continue to try and vilify a console user base even though both are equally as stupid and responsible.
I'm not vilifying anything. You're just getting upset over the truth.
Yup because all the "muh cloud" and "muh dx12" is really talking about "gaming". Ironic seeing bad Xbots bought a glorified cable box.
Couldn't say it any better.