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Edited by Hatima BNG 117: 5/28/2014 3:22:47 PM

Obtaining Ninja Moderation Experience

How would you as a Community member gain experience to become a Bungie Ninjoderator?

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  • Edited by FoMan123: 5/29/2014 12:37:11 AM
    These threads usually have a lot of joking around in them (oftentimes even the OP is a joke), but all joking aside, I think that every once in awhile it's a good idea to remind folks of some of the facts behind all the fiction, if for no other reason than to inform some of the newbies about the way things work. So look, this is a website for gamers. Obviously, most folks here have a gamer mentality, which means that no matter what we say, some users here inevitably are going to see these forums as a game and "Ninja" as a rank to be obtained in that game. Even the way you've phrased your OP -- "how would you gain experience to become a Ninja?" -- sounds like something that is more applicable to an RPG than to a online forum. We've said before that this is not the case, yet these myths persist. Sometimes, community members have posted sets of "tasks" or experiences that they think -- in all seriousness and without joking -- are part of some kind of checklist to become a Forum Ninja. You know the kinds of things I'm talking about; so-called guidelines to become a Forum Ninja: (1) "Follow the rules and don't get banned for a certain number of years"; (2) "never ask about becoming a Forum Ninja"; (3) "attend PAX and meet other Forum Ninjas in person"; (4) "build up a certain number of followers"; (5) "play a certain number of games with current Forum Ninjas and/or DeeJ and/or Achronos." As if becoming a Forum Ninja is as formulaic and rigorous as gaining a certain rank in Halo or WoW or Elder Scrolls. And some users have actually taken the time to complete whatever they think the "checklist" is supposed to be, only to become jaded and cynical when they are not asked to become a Forum Ninja. You've probably seen these "jaded/cynical forum veterans" around if you've spent much time on the site. Despite this being a gamer website, I promise that this is the wrong way to look at it. It's okay to want to be a Forum Ninja, but there is no better way to ensure that you will NOT be chosen to become a Forum Ninja than by viewing "Forum Ninja" as the end-goal of a game, some high-level rank or trophy that can be obtained just by following a specific set of guidelines and completing particular tasks. This isn't an RPG video game and that's not how it works. And for people who view it in that way, they might find themselves feeling like they have suffered some kind of injustice/unfairness because they were not asked to be a Forum Ninja. Which of course sounds ridiculous when you see it written down and yet is a persistent problem we have in this community. As you know, Forum Ninjas are just community members who have taken on some additional volunteer duties in enforcing forum rules. And when we need to add more people to that role, we look for community members with the personality traits and habits that we've noticed tend to create good Forum Ninjas: diehard Bungie fans with demonstrated good judgment, intelligence, discretion, and teamwork. It's literally that simple -- there is no formula, no set of tasks to be completed. To be sure, you have to be active in the community in order to be noticed at all, but beyond that there's nothing you can do. Your personality traits and forum habits do all the talking, and if your personality traits and forum habits don't fit the Forum Ninja role, it doesn't mean you've "lost," it doesn't mean you're a bad person, and it doesn't make you a less valuable voice in our community. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that many of the most valuable Bungie community members are not and will never be Forum Ninjas. So you might as well just hang out and enjoy yourself here. Just please don't think that there is some formula you can follow that results in becoming a Forum Ninja. That's gamer-style thinking, which is great in gaming situations, but inapplicable here.

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    126 Replies
    • Yes

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    • I cried when i read this topic... srcly, when i saw ninja, i cried so badly

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    • So what your saying is you ant have any fun and make jokes on the forum what so ever if you ever want to be a ninja. Sign me right the -blam!- up because I'm unfunny and hate the forum 99.9% of the time anyway.

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      • Edited by zbeshears: 1/29/2016 1:55:32 PM
        Why would you wanna be a "ninja"? I've ran into a couple that are funny, but ninja definitely is not the name I would call them. Moderator is better. The foman post here is legit. There should not be some set guidelines to becoming a moderator. But butane, man that had me laughing pretty hard! And idk if these ninjas get paid or what not but they def should.

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      • You want experience, eh? Well, that's not so hard. Hylebos forwarded to you the ninja application. It seems pretty straightforward to the average user. You just work your way down the list, going through the motions... 3 is e, 6 d, lukems, Foman's mother... Every member knows this stuff. But why, then, do so many members get passed over for moderatorship? Well, dummy, they're [i]ninjas[/i], so of course there's a secret, hidden question in the forum! It took us all a couple years to figure it out, so don't fret. We've only discussed it with a few people (in fact, the only reason I am sharing it now is that Achronos has mentioned that they are replacing the snail mail form with a fancy [i]e[/i]-lectro-gizmactic form once Destiny releases, so it's not giving away too many secrets. You see, you gotta start by using Chrome. You right click on a post and select "Inspect Element." This pulls up the source code of the post. From there, you have to dig through the html to find the raw ascii characters. Ctrl+c, ctrl+v them into Microsoft word 2007 (gotta be 2007), select all, make 72 pt font, then make the text green. You see, there's a "green screen" like effect on a portion of the code that brings up an additional question: "Well done! Please list relevent ninja experience to be considered for moderator" Everyone misses this, which is why we have so few moderators. Getting experience is tough! Where else do you get relevant experience? I won't tell you where I got mine, but I'll share with you my backup plan... Go around your neighborhood and gather up all the youth. The more angst-ridden, the better. Shove them all in the room, crank the heat up, hop them up on Mt Dew, then toss in a bunch of paper and pens. Inform them that only those that achieve "Mythic" status can leave, but do not inform them on the criteria to obtain it. All you've got to do is document the whole thing. Get some good shots of you jabbing at them with sharp sticks when they scuffle or say rude things. Vehemently correct their spelling and grammar mistakes. Make cryptic remarks when they ask questions, then knock them out with ether when they get frustrated. This is all analogous experience and should make you a shoe-in for moderator, as Bnet operates in much the same way. Good luck, fellow members, and may the best member win!

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        4 Replies
        • two types of ninjas

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          2 Replies
          • Bump

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          • Mastering Shadow Clone Jutsu is the only correct way.

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          • I'm not too worried about it, just enjoy the community.

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          • Necro

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          • Necro?

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          • Edited by addiecorps: 8/14/2015 12:30:13 AM
            Bump Edit: [spoiler]Lol, I was mostly checking to see if this thread got archived [/spoiler]

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          • You need a ninjternship and a sharp resume.

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            9 Replies
            • The wet noodle provides all the experience you need.

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              3 Replies
              • You don't become a ninja. The ninjas become you.

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                • I want to be a samurai.

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                  • Just fill out the following form:[quote][b][u]Forum Ninja Application[/u] Please explain all answers. 1. User Name 2. Location 3. Why do you want to become a Forum Ninja (choose from below)? a. Excellent salary and benefits b. Hot chix c. Naked pics of stosh d. There is one specific user I want to ban and I am "rage-applying" e. All of the above 4. Please rank the current Forum Ninjas from hottest to ugliest. 5. Who is your favorite Forum Ninja and why did you pick Foman? 6. You are in attendance at a hotel party at PAX and notice that Yoozel is facedown on the floor and appears to be attempting to "swim" towards the bathroom. Do you: a. Get him another drink b. Film the event and upload to YouTube c. Help him to the bathroom d. A and B only e. All of the above 7. If you had to permaban one Bungie employee who would it be and why? 8. What is the best state-of-mind for moderating the forums? a. Slightly buzzed b. Drunk c. Blacked out d. Other (please specify) 9. How soon should Private Message appeals be answered? a. One year b. Never 10. Which of the following is an inappropriate reason to ban a member? a. The user is Mythic and you want to "take them down a notch." b. The user claims to be female, and is automatically probably lying. c. The user just beat you in an argument. d. The user is using the "avatar of the day" as posted in HFCS's "Automatic Bans" thread. e. None of the above are inappropriate reasons. 11. Please explain why the following statement is true: "I think that users need to be banned every once in awhile even if they are not breaking any rules, just to show them who's boss."[/b][/quote]Courtesy of [url=]Foman[/url].

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                    9 Replies
                    • Toast/envelope.

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                      5 Replies
                      • Im high then a ninja i learned the ways of the samurai Be one with the blade

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                      • These threads usually have a lot of joking around in them (oftentimes even the OP is a joke), but all joking aside, I think that every once in awhile it's a good idea to remind folks of some of the facts behind all the fiction, if for no other reason than to inform some of the newbies about the way things work. So look, this is a website for gamers. Obviously, most folks here have a gamer mentality, which means that no matter what we say, some users here inevitably are going to see these forums as a game and "Ninja" as a rank to be obtained in that game. Even the way you've phrased your OP -- "how would you gain experience to become a Ninja?" -- sounds like something that is more applicable to an RPG than to a online forum. But is a site of innovators, and gamers are the ones that made it. Therefore this is exactly the mentality you need to have. Sometimes, community members have posted sets of "tasks" or experiences that they know -- in all seriousness and without joking -- are part of some kind of checklist to become a Forum Ninja. You know the kinds of things I'm talking about; so-called guidelines to become a Forum Ninja: (1) "Follow the rules and don't get banned for a certain number of years"; (2) "never ask about becoming a Forum Ninja"; (3) "attend PAX and meet other Forum Ninjas in person"; (4) "build up a certain number of followers"; (5) "play a certain number of games with current Forum Ninjas and/or DeeJ and/or Achronos." As if becoming a Forum Ninja is as formulaic and rigorous as gaining a certain rank in Halo or WoW or Elder Scrolls. And some users have actually taken the time to complete whatever they think the "checklist" is supposed to be, only to become jaded and cynical when they are not asked to become a Forum Ninja. You've probably seen these "jaded/cynical forum veterans" around if you've spent much time on the site. And with this being a gamer website, I promise that this is the right way to look at it. It's okay to want to be a Forum Ninja, and there is no better way to ensure that you will be chosen to become a Forum Ninja than by viewing "Forum Ninja" as the end-goal of a game, some high-level rank or trophy that can be obtained just by following a specific set of guidelines and completing particular tasks. In a way, this forum is sort of like an RPG video game with how it works. And for people who view it in that way, they might find themselves feeling like they lost the Game of Thrones because they were not asked to be a Forum Ninja. Which of course sounds ridiculous when you see it written down and yet is a persistent problem we have in this community. It's just a book series, after all. As you know, Forum Ninjas are just community members who have taken on some additional volunteer duties in enforcing forum rules. And when they need to add more people to that role, they look for community members with the personality traits and habits that we've noticed tend to create good Forum Ninjas: diehard Bungie fans with demonstrated good judgment, intelligence, discretion, and teamwork. It's literally that simple as far as you're concerned -- you don't need to worry about their formula, aside from the set of tasks to be completed. To be sure, you have to be active in the community in order to be noticed at all, but beyond that just treat it like an RPG. Your personality traits and forum habits do all the talking, and if your personality traits and forum habits don't fit the Forum Ninja role, it means you've "lost," it means you're a bad person, and it does make you a less valuable voice in our community. So you might as well just hang out and enjoy the game. Just keep in mind that there is some formula you can follow that results in becoming a Forum Ninja. That's gamer-style thinking, which is great in gaming situations and forums run by gamers.

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                        3 Replies
                        • 1
                          I have no idea. What's expected of ninjas?

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                        • Bump

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                        • Get banned heaps of times so you know what the rules are.

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                          • Obligatory: "With great power, comes great responsibility"

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                          • 0
                            I heard there's ritualistic scrotal tattoos involved in the ninja ceremony. Not worth it, man. Not worth it.

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