Comment questions like this:
The weapon to your right is now your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse. How screwed are you?
Ready... GO!
The main character in the last movie you watched is now your mortal enemy. How dead are you?
The last weapon you used in a game is now being used to try and kill you. How screwed are you?
Pick your zombie apocalypse team of five people!
My old phone. I'll call TFB and/or request an airstrike.
Yfw I always keep a nugget by my side for this reason Yfw noface
I have a katana to my right but it's fake and has no edge, just for looks. Would probably break since it's not full tang, if that's the expression.
A sink. [spoiler]Wut[/spoiler]
well i have my keys sitting next to me...they're kinda sharp...maybe...
I can't lift a bed
The main villain in the last video game you played is now hunting you down to brutally murder you. How fu[i]c[/i]ked are you?
My Grandmother...
I swear to dear god that my crossbow is the thing on my right, if you [i]really[/i] need it, i'll give you a picture.
The most colorful item in your current field of vision is now your last resort for signaling for help before you are killed by a random entity, how screwed are you?
Half eaten muffin. woo hoo
There is no weapon to my right, only toilet paper
A garbage can. I think I'm ok.
A half full coke bottle or my dog? Either way this sucks.
A pack of mints. I win.
Crap. I don't think my sketchbook will be much use.
Umm... There isn't a weapon to my right.
A cover for my bed, well at least I'm warm at night.
Edited by asir: 8/11/2014 8:51:31 AMPrepare for the greatest pillow fight of your life. *racks pillow like a shotgun, making cheesy gun noises*
The last weapon/item you used in a video game you have to use to fight World War 3. What is it?
You are stuck in a dark room for two hours with the last villain you saw in a movie. Will you survive?
My fist so I'd say I'm pretty good