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Edited by burritosenior: 5/25/2014 9:09:30 PM


Five days ago, on the 20th, I started watching the show 'Firefly' on Netflix. As I'm sure almost all of you know, this is a Space Opera Western that didn't do too hot when it aired in the early 2000s but years after was rediscovered by Science Fiction fans and hailed as on of the great travesties of the genre. It was not a tragedy because it was bad though- it was a travesty because it is called one of the greatest Science Fiction shows ever to be produced and it was cancelled in its prime. There are only 14 episodes. Yesterday, I finished those 14 episodes. The 14th episode resolved relatively little, so there was zero conclusion to the ongoing story. I imagine fans at the time were flabbergasted. I know I would have been. Today, though? Today I watched on Netflix... Serenity. The movie produced three years later. And I can't help but feel obligated to post... wow. I cried, I laughed, I sat on the edge of my seat... though the movie did not do too well when it first came out, I cannot help but feel this was one of the best movies I've ever seen. Firefly is a show that people rave about, and I went in skeptical. Surely something praised so unanimously must be because of blind follower-ship, right? Boy was I ever wrong. It is a great thing to see something held in such a high regard live up to the hype that it was given by years of fans spouting about its greatness. Normally this leads to cynicism. While I was initially skeptical as I said earlier though, this faded even by the very first episode- and with the movie just now I feel like I have some degree of closure. I also wanted to mention how Bungie loves Nathan Fillion, using him in games and bragging about he returns their phone calls and all that jazz. And now I'm a Nathan Fillion fan for more than just his job as Buck in Halo 3: ODST. He was astounding in this show. So yes. I wanted to share my thoughts on this show I just watched. And while I'm sure you're all heard of the show as I had... if you haven't gotten around to actually watching it yet? Do so. It's on Netflix now, and if you're at all a fan of Science Fiction, you will adore this take on the genre. I cannot encourage people enough. I've been converted. Discuss Firefly, things that lived up to hype, cult classics, and all that jazz.

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  • Watching Firefly gave me additional respect for Alex Baldwin when watching him in Chuck. I already loved Casey as a character, but this made it that much better.

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    4 Replies
    • Listening to the theme song again...oh it hurts...

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    • Such a great show, too bad there wasn't more..

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    • So in other words, I should start watching Firefly? I'll do it.

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      3 Replies
      • I loved the show and watched it a while back after watching the last episode and asking my dad to start watching the second session and finding out there was no such thing I was heart broken.

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      • Edited by Fraser: 5/26/2014 11:13:55 PM
        Firefly really was great. It sucks that it was only around for one season.

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      • Edited by nao: 5/26/2014 9:54:31 PM
        Kinda weird seeing people just now discovering the series. Went through the whole cycle of discovery/amazement/depression years ago. Definitely one of the best TV shows of all time. Pretty much required viewing if you're even remotely into the scifi genre. (Like the original pokemon theme song, I still have firefly's intro memorized for some weird reason) Farscape is another good one not a lot of people know about. (not quite on firefly's level, but still great). It has a lot more seasons to it as well. At least you have good taste in fiction burrito-senpai. You're alright by me. Wheel of Time and Firefly outweighs the kinect stuff :P

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      • Edited by DTL: 5/26/2014 8:55:30 PM
        I think the movie was a travesty. Not because I was butthurt over.. things that happened.. but because I didn't feel the movie focused on the parts of the story I actually cared about. I felt that the series didn't have time to develop the story behind the Reavers to a point that I wanted more of them. Up until that point.. all we really knew was that they were some super scary bad guys that everyone feared. You could tell that they were supposed to be a much larger part of the show eventually, but they hadn't gotten that far yet. So having the movie focus so heavily on them was a major disappointment. I would have been far happier if the movie spent its time fleshing out the back stories we spent the first episodes building. Though I can see how that would be a bit anticlimactic in the end.

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        8 Replies
        • [quote]I also wanted to mention how Bungie loves Nathan Fillion, using him in games and bragging about he returns their phone calls and all that jazz. And now I'm a Nathan Fillion fan for more than just his job as Buck in Halo 3: ODST. He was astounding in this show.[/quote] ODST also features the voices of Alan Tudyk (Wash) as Mickey and Adam Baldwin (Jayne) as Dutch. It's the closest thing to a reunion we'll ever get.

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          8 Replies
          • It only did bad because Nathan Fillion was the captain. Nicolas Cage would've been the only reasonable choice for that role

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            2 Replies
            • This post man. The feels.

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            • Edited by KingWhovian: 5/25/2014 10:02:36 PM
              It's one of the best shows ever made, in my opinion. Also, Nathan Fillian was in ODST? Well now I finally have a good reason to buy it.

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              13 Replies
              • #Browncoats4Lyfe

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              • Edited by MiloOmega: 5/26/2014 9:18:10 PM
                Take my land, take my love, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, set me free, you can't take the sky from me. Take me out, to the blast, tell them I ain't coming back. Burn the land, pour the sea, you can't take the sky from me. I think I got it memorized. And, yes, I have been a fan of that show for awhile. Edit: The ending of serenity was sad though... We all know why

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              • The intro is sad :(

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              • I actually watched Firefly when it first aired. I was there from the beginning :')

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              • Edited by SzyGuy: 5/26/2014 1:55:36 AM
                So many feels. [spoiler]so[spoiler]many[/spoiler]feels[/spoiler]

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              • I miss firefly

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              • We already know it's great, tacosenior.

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                2 Replies
                • [url=]How do you feel about this Wash cosplay?[/url]

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                  • Unless the rest of the series is any better, and I doubt that, Firefly comes across as a self-insert middle class white kid fantasy of an LGBTQ-friendly multi-racial posse flying through "dangerous" regions of space with the utmost moral supremacy. The writing was so shallow and self-vindicating in the episodes I watched it amazed me that a conscious human adult even wrote it. I never made it past the second episode, I might go back and continue it, but given Joss Whedon's record I'm not holding out much hope.

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                    6 Replies
                    • You can’t watch it in order on Netflix... because... it’s not actually in the right order...

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                    • Discovered it a couple years ago. Started the first episode one night, finished it along with the rest of the episodes the next day, then stared the movie. Finished the movie the next day and then felt remorse for going through it so fast. I binged this more than Breaking Bad.

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                    • Thanks for the blog bro

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                    • Farscape.

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