originally posted in:Guardian Radio Alliance
Guardians wanted for the Spectacular #Mangoose League!
How does one play #Mangoose and what the bloody hell is it?
Great Question…Keep reading...
#Mangoose is a custom game type, created in the game Halo: Reach, and is a variant of King of the Hill. The objective is to ride on the indestructible mongoose located originally in the center of the map, as the mongoose is the hill. Ride it to earn points for your team, but be wary the other team, as they intend to do the same.
Every player has the same load out. A golf club (which behaves as a gravity hammer), and unlimited Sprint as their armor ability. Smack the other team to keep them away or get them off of the mongoose. BUT REMEMBER, friendly fire is enabled, so watch where you swipe!
First team to a certain allocated point limit wins. The limit isn't concrete currently, but will probably vary depending on the size of the map, and how chaotic it may get.
Considering the size of the maps and the game type itself, teams must consist of 4 players during the match. If teams have 4 players, but...say, 2 can't make it due to having a life, members from teams other than those participating can volunteer to play for that undermanned team, and keep it going (but it would be nice if this never happens).
The two teams, in good faith, should discuss the appropriate time for them to play, but also remember that organizing 8 specific people to be on at the same time will be a pain in one's backside. Be prepared to compromise and choose a time that suits the vast majority, and prepare for the need of substitutes. Also, it goes without saying, but you can't be in two teams at once. It's sad I have to state this, but you know how some people are...
There is no team number limit as of yet, we need to see the level of interest before that is decided. Also there is no limit to the number of players a team can have (remember only 4 are playing in a match). We are hoping that we can, at the very least, get one round of matches a week. Season length, playoffs and the finals are going to be determined by the amount of teams we have. Contact Byf, Stevedoggen or I regarding your interest in setting up a team, we'll leave the recruitment to you, but we'll need to know the group you ultimately decide on for stats and the like.
We hope to see you out on the field. Prep up, club up, and move out!
We have some teams and people interested (GOOD NEWS!!! No….GREAT NEWS!!!)
-Current roster (various members)
Cats in Fancy Hats
-Current roster: Stevedoggen, Awoken Guardian, Remy Ransom, and Myself
"Some other guy had a team as well" aka PapayaOfDestiny
-Current roster (PapayaOfDestiny and others)
People Interested without a Team at the moment:
Des Waffles
We can work with three teams if need be and put people in them when we have games (except PrimeGuard because they prob want their own bloodlines in their ranks which is not a bad thing. Every league needs the "Yankees"). We are always working on more. Tell your friends!!!
I want to join this. As a proud member of #TeamWatts I go where you go!
I'll join in (if you can still join)
Guardian One has a team ready to rock! Just need the time and date :)
I want to be on a team
Okay, crazy work schedule kept me from enjoying the Mangoose test-drive last Friday. Will there be another chance for those who have yet to experience gravitationally charged golf-club goosing of Mongoose riders?
As much as I want to be a mangoose, I just cannot find my reach disk. Go on without me mangeese!
Where is the Byf team of misfits? I assume this would be taking place after his dark period of exams.
I've tasted Mangoose, and now i want more..
Team PrimeGuard is ready. Send forth your best contestants and watch as they fall before us.
Edited by PapayaOfDestiny: 5/21/2014 7:52:01 PMHey thanks for mentioning me on the podcast as "some other guy had a team as well". "Yah jerk" lol! Love the podcast though #wattsbeard #teamwatts
I want in not sure I could get a team. Is this going to be Reach or Halo 4?
Is there going to be chance for everyone to try out this new flavor of Halo? I would have fun no matter what, but I would really like to try it out before committing to a seasonal league.
So, for female palyers would it be "Goose!" LOL
team cats with fancy hats all the way!
i wants in !
I'd like to be on the league, but I'm not sure if I could make every game with my schedule. :(
I could have a four man team but we would only be able play Fridays between 3 and 6 mst as it's my friends and family from back in England. ( I'm the only one who moved out here)
Will there be grenades or missile launchers available for pickup on the map? Maybe mines? Seems like a lot of fun.
Tired - old