Title says it all.
What do you do? Be creative, I mean, you are now more wealthy than every country combined.
Edited by Guardian1881: 10/26/2014 1:36:32 PMFirst I would buy a sandwich because I'm hungry, then invest my money in to building all of Iron mans suits and become him
Give out a ridiculous sum of money everywhere I went and cause hyper inflation and economic collapse
Create a new age.
End world hunger and shit. Then I would make life super sick for me. Lots of drums, guitar, and basses. Concerts at my mansion every night. -blam!-, where am I going with this....
Edited by BannedFroggert: 5/17/2014 5:23:49 PMShould I get infinite 1$ hookers or 1 infinite $ hooker? Hmm...
Oh gees. I'd probably use the money to enact my own form of anonymous justice on the world. Have the worst dictators and governments overthrown. Have habitable land masses be created for a lot of the abused and subjugated people's. I'd probably start the first legitimate, non-full of shit news station in America in a decade. Use the money to finance a grass roots campaign to make the concept of public shaming terrible politicians, celebrities, and other undesirable public figures a viral activity.
Edited by Decaying Soul: 10/26/2014 1:09:28 PMMake time travel or something futuristic possible
I'd buy a bunch of servers, then I'd hire them out, while saving one to play videogames on and run a minecraft server at the same time.
I am assuming you mean an amount of money that is limitless as long as you do not try to recreate Brewters Millions. I guess I would travel a lot, see the world.
Bump this thread.
Continue living as I do now except when I want to buy something, I can. Starting with Iron Man's mk42 suit to impress my 5 year old brother
Edited by Sqwithy: 5/17/2014 10:39:38 PMPay off every country's debt so that they all owe debt to me instead.
>implying that our beta asses can get money Ultimate kok
So, I'd like to say that I would provide financial support for all the people who need it in third world countries, seeing as I have an infinite amount. I'd also like to say that I would use the money to shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, put the money towards research on other planets and inter-planetary space flight so that we can get the hell off this planet, find out how to establish life underground and underwater, and most importantly get all the world's governments to agree with each other. But I'll probably use it to pimp my ride and drive around flipping people off.
Create the death star. Annihilate STDS, so -blam!- is more safe. Fund my golden throne campaign. Buy every animal. Have sex with every animal. Create new hybrid animals. Have sex with those animals. Use animal DNA to create super soldiers. Experiment goes wrong creating furries. Fund purging of the hellspawns I created. Create a revolutionary new way of gaming; real life. adopt orphan children and raise them with my ideals to create a breed of superior humans. Have the homeless and deprived find repose in my new space stations that I funded. Create gundam. Have sex with the gundam. And so much more.
Edited by asir: 5/17/2014 4:50:28 PMWait, so if you were legitimately infinitely rich, wouldn't that make your money worthless because as you create money, the currency you use would inflate as you bought shit? Maybe for small purchases it would all be good, but if you were pouring millions into education, science, etc that wouldn't work.
Edited by Sandtrap: 5/17/2014 3:48:52 PMStart a show where I travel around and spot random people out of a crowd, and see just how far their morals go over a little green. Ask them to do something ridiculous, and very slowly raise the price up and up. You could probably make every single group of people cry sweet, sweet tears of breaking their vows. Just imagine, going up to one of the rabid feminists, or a well known religious person, and leaning down on them with more and more money until they break. It'd be a hit.
Edited by Leeroy Jenkins: 5/17/2014 10:40:25 PM[b][u]What I'll do now:[/u][/b]Keep going in high school as if parents revived a pay raise. Give money to mom as to pay off debt and cover all future costs along with some extra cash and do the same for my dad. Start investing a bit, set aside cash amounts for a car, college room and board, splurging, and keep all purchases plausible. By that I mean don't just keep spending money on a whim but keep purchase somewhat realistic do that people don't treat me too differently, or start trying to depend on me. Also I would try to ensure that the rest of my high school career and college experience are good and a little above normal. I would help out with my good friend's monetary issues a bit as well. [b][u]What my future plans are:[/u][/b] depending on what career path I choose I will use my funds to get a good job that provides; 1.) Good social interaction 2.) Enjoyable work environment 3.) Work that not only exited me, but is entertaining and enjoyable as well. 4.) Moderate to ample free time Then I would start to work on a family and when I find someone I'm prepared to spend my life with I'll use my secret funds to help make her life amazing. I'd like to have children whom I would make have good lives but not outright spoil (I want them to understand money shouldn't be the only factor in life). I don't want spoiled little brats that take everything for granted. Spend a lot of time with the children and raise them to be good people. [b][u]Notice:[/u][/b] Any farther planning is utter ridiculousness, and I'm only 15 so there are probably a lot of things I overlooked, or didn't foresee. I also might find some of the things I said impossible to accomplish as there may be things that stop such things or a moral barrier. I may update this as necessary.
Make space travel possible Buy every planet, except earth Create an empire that spans every bought planet Make everyone abandon earth for 1000 years Let earth improve
Covenant Empire fgt.
Fix all of the world's problems.
Edited by Choopie: 5/17/2014 9:50:59 PMEat my left arm off.
I'd buy a slushy.
Dethklok FTW! i owns all the lands. college is now free. international travel is now free. dating women is now free, all daycares are now free.
Cure world hunger Make world peace Unite Earth under one coalition government Invest in space travel
Buy food, give to poor people, build better spaceships and start exploring, begin research on faster-than-light travels, build a computer to focus on more tasks than I currently can, buy a huge library, build a vacuum to filter excess CO2 out of the air, and the list just goes on and on.