I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe... [contemptuous laugh] A thread just about pie. The very first "Halo vs Star wars" nerd battle thread. Threads wondering about Halo 2. Dragons. And more. All those... moments... will be lost in time, like [small cough] tears... in... rain. Time... to ask me anything...
Woo! 10 years!!
Congratz on the milestone! May the "flame" of perpetual wisdom burn bright through the winds of eternal darkness "dude". :) Flame On!!!
Can you confirm red = rampancy? Haha, just kidding. Congrats on the decade-long span.
[[quote]quote]I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe... [contemptuous laugh] A thread just about pie. The very first "Halo vs Star wars" nerd battle thread. Threads wondering about Halo 2. Dragons. And more. All those... moments... will be lost in time, like [small cough] tears... in... rain. Time... to ask me anything..[/quote]. Woo! 10 years!![/quote] To people like you who don't just play the game for the next level up or upgrade but to explore the world of destiny I assure you RED TITAN and I have made a group just for you it is called The Eternal Pride even tho I'm recruiting this group is not for everyone. It is a family oriented group that will have your back from beginning to end and then some. If you are doubtful just go to our page more details will be in our summary or just pm me or my partner RED TITAN for details. If you feel that you are unique and want a group that will treat as such leave the pack...ands join the pride. #TheEternalPride
Grats Flamedude.
Cheers guy.
You really need to pull out.
I remember your tag! We've seen the same threads, spilled the same blood, survived the same flood. The pie thread was incredible, btw. -Karma
Your body is REDy...
I've been with Bungie since 2002, sadly I have only been on Bungie.net for about 7 years 2 of which I was a lurker. I salute you with your 10 years in a wonderful community!
Happy birthday to you! And I raise an imaginary toast to another ten years here.
What do you think of the current trajectory of the halo franchise.
Holy shit dude congrats wish i signed up earlier.
*verifying* Sweet :)
Wow. How did you do it?!
Congrats on reaching Red.
Edited by Hatima BNG 117: 5/7/2014 3:45:24 PMFirst!!! Congratz dude!