[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFu5qXMuaJU]No, I am not kidding. It was just announced today.[/url]
Are you -blam!-ing kidding me? They can't even come up with original [i]titles[/i] anymore. This looks like utter shit. And I'm a little upset that HoC is being cheapened by the CoD series...
Edited by asir: 5/2/2014 9:36:46 PMThis one might actually be good. Also, I saw no dogs or fish AI so that's cool. The name sucks ass though. It's like they drew buzzwords out of a hat and called it good. I'm just waiting for them to turn around and make a medieval CoD game with knights in plate armor trickshotting with crossbows. Then you'll hear some little kid yell "OH MY GOD HORSES ARE SO OP!" And then there will be a kill streak at 25 kills that calls in a legion of plague-bearing slaves/peasants or something.