[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFu5qXMuaJU]No, I am not kidding. It was just announced today.[/url]
Are you -blam!-ing kidding me? They can't even come up with original [i]titles[/i] anymore. This looks like utter shit. And I'm a little upset that HoC is being cheapened by the CoD series...
It's not bad. Multiplayer is better than Destiny because it's more skill than gear.
Edited by asir: 5/2/2014 9:36:46 PMThis one might actually be good. Also, I saw no dogs or fish AI so that's cool. The name sucks ass though. It's like they drew buzzwords out of a hat and called it good. I'm just waiting for them to turn around and make a medieval CoD game with knights in plate armor trickshotting with crossbows. Then you'll hear some little kid yell "OH MY GOD HORSES ARE SO OP!" And then there will be a kill streak at 25 kills that calls in a legion of plague-bearing slaves/peasants or something.
kevin spacey why ;_;
I'm only buying from treyarch as long as they keep making zombies.
Edited by Waitoverthere: 10/23/2014 1:45:22 PMWoot.
So it's basically Black Ops 3? They why did they call it Advanced Warfare? IMO, Kevin Spacey looks to be the only awesome thing about it, because Kevin Spacey is awesome.
Kevin Spacey though...
That is a really good trailer.
It looks... Halfway decent. I won't be quick to grab it, but if it ends up being different (lol), then I might.
I'm still waiting on Call of Duty: Ancient Warfare.
I like the armor some of the guys are wearing, that was pretty neat
Edited by Miles Of Blood: 5/2/2014 8:19:24 PMWow, the graphic inconsistencies of the present trailers indicate the Copy and Paste formula again :D Great work Sledge Hammer, kindly bury that shit on your way out... Also, LolCoD
Edited by Ossku: 5/2/2014 6:55:55 PMThe gameplay trailer shows huge action sequences. When in reality all the action is in cinematics and the campaign actually is a corridor shooter with stupid AI. E: #Gaming filled with CoD now. pls.
Edited by RomanGladiator7: 5/2/2014 9:44:19 PMNeeds to have a Freddy's ribs Easter egg. Or a bodyguard named Meacham.
Edited by Icy Wind: 5/2/2014 6:50:56 PMI am going to rent it just for Kevin Spacey. The guy is amazing. Plus, his speech in the trailer isn't exactly inaccurate.
Well. Looks like I'm sticking with Black Ops II for a while.
I wanted primitive warfare dammit.
Edited by kgj: 5/2/2014 8:39:47 PMso here are the suggested video thumbnails after the trailer.
Yay! I can jump more than 2cm in the air now!
Idk why but I personally dislike semi future based games like this. Just the setting really sucks IMO. I'm going to end up buying this anyway because of my casual friends. I'll be fine with it as long as the maps aren't anything like Ghosts maps.
All the propaganda in that trailer tho
They're doing the opposite of what they should be doing by making it more and more off the wall. Really started with Black Ops and then it became a competition until we got to COD WITH ROBOTS.
Damn..... I usually hate CoD but damn this one looks awesome and different to the other CoDs
PMC's ? I wanna see this . [i]This is my final call of duty , wipe this game from the face of the earth[/i]
I have the feeling that this story is going to be the opposite of how MGS4 depicts PMC's