That's it, I'm done with that pathetic excuse they call an image board. Almost every -blam!-ing thing I get banned for posting there is permitted on Not only that, but they believe that they're actually promoting "free speech", when in reality, the rules are composed of nothing but subjectivity and buzzwords. The entire 4chan community has a vendetta against new people as well, as if they're "sekret club" is so much damn better than Reddit, which honestly at this point is no different than 4chan.
You have the video game board, which is composed of nothing but weeaboos who leak from Japanese boards, and PC elitists. Post content against any of these groups, and you risk a ban. Any outside opinions (and by "outside", I mean mainstream in the real world) are disregarded, and in some cases, you can get banned for simply being "too extreme" for their basement-dwelling community. I'll get to the anti-social justice bullshit in a minute.
Next, there's the political board, which used to be a good place up until things like racism and fascism went from being an accepted byproduct, to the norm. It's gotten so bad that even the shut-in weeaboos of other boards can no longer tolerate them, hence why it is an official containment board. You get the same affect on /pol/ being a Liberal as you gen on /v/ for being an Xbox supporter. Both can even result in bans if the reasoning is construed enough to conform to the extremely-subjective regulations.
Finally, there's the anti-social justice attitude that encompasses the entire website. The best way to describe it is simply that it has become what Tumblr is to social justice; a hub for posting SJW articles and events, with a series of rants from posters. After a while, and it becomes sickening, even for someone like me who loathes SJWs. It just gets... old.
4chan was never good, but it only gets worse I guess. Looks like I'm staying on full-time, and whenever I get the chance, I'm going to denounce that pathetic shithole. Hopefully Bungie receives a similar level of traffic when Destiny releases, which I suppose is the only actual good thing about Destiny.
Moot wanted to get the site more hits so for the last couple years, about 2011 onwards, they've been shifting it towards accommodating run-off from sites like reddit, tumblr, or people who happen to find it via their facebook pages which often shares pictures. /tv/ got the worst of it because it's being tweaked to be 4chan's welcoming board, as well as /sp/. The janitors on those boards are literally rehired redditors run wild, there was a huge breach from Australian hackers recently exposing the shitty mods and janitors. They deleted /q/ so that no-one could call them on it anymore (they were getting pulled apart on that board daily), then made it a rule violation to discuss matters of 4chan on 4chan. Yes, it's absolutely been ruined in recent years and it is 100% moot's doing.
It's a cesspool populated by socially awkward basement dwelling creeps. Of course it's shit.
I'm commander Shepard and these are my favorite forums on the internet.
Cry more
You must be doing some hardcore shitposting if you're getting banned there.
Edited by Madman Mordo: 5/2/2014 9:12:32 AMThis whole "mods are out to get me" shit is getting annoying. Have you ever come to the conclusion that it's not the mods, it might just be your persecution complex?
The key to using 4chan is to never actually post anything.
I dunno, man. /vg/ never fails to entertain me.
This all makes sense, but why did you go on sites like that in the first place?
Did you......[i] just[/i] discover the internet?
I use this site and a little bit of Reddit, I don't need anything else for random online chatter.
OP in a nutshell.
>not only using /toy/ Idiot
The /pol/ sticky at the very top of the page states that making threads along the lines of "is X degeneracy" or "what do you think about X" are of low quality and will therefore be removed from the board. You did exactly that and got banned for it. Can't blame anyone but yourself for this.
Edited by SuperSmeller: 5/2/2014 5:14:15 AM4chan has been and always will be shit. you should have known better. it's funny these are the things you complain about, when your behavior here seems to include most of the things you listed.
I've only gone to /b/. I don't like being forced to talk a bout a certain thing.
[quote]Almost every -blam!-ing thing I get banned for posting there is permitted on [/quote] If you're getting banned on 4chan consistently you are doing something wrong. I've been browsing 4chan for 6+ years and I can count the number of bans I've had on one hand.
why does every single moderation system on the entire planet seem like it wants to eliminate you XD
Confirmed by dubs. Topkek, pleb. lel
don't forget the furshit and kpop
>Just now realizing 4chan is shit Did you just discover that board today?
Edited by Brociopath: 5/2/2014 11:13:46 AMI would say go to /sp/ but the janitor is way too pissy and it's been turning to shit. I haven't been on 4chan for months though so I really don't know.
Maybe 4chan isn't for you. That's ok. What'd you get banned for?
/vr/ is pretty good.
Edited by asir: 5/2/2014 3:37:12 AMThis image illustrates my thoughts on 4chan. Being that the Tiger is 4chan. They've been parodying ridiculous hatred for Jews, gays, etc. for so long that they've started to believe it.