[i]Source Article [/i][/b][/url]
[i][b]Shady Mr. Cryptarch and Engrams[/b][/i]
[quote]Throughout each area there are randomly placed treasure chests stuffed with loot, either cash in the form of Glimmers which can be used to buy items and upgrades, or natural resources known as Engrams. These need to be taken to be taken back to The Tower where you can pay a shady character named the Cryptarch to convert them into useable goodies[/quote]
Could these be those glowing green items we've seen dropped before?
[i][b]Weapons; attached blades + Elemental Damage: [/b][/i] Cool new stuff in here.
[quote]As you progress, you get access to Primary oddities like the Suros Regime auto rifle with its exotic art deco styling, or the Monte Carlo assault rifle with a built in sword. In the specials category, there are weird shotguns that deal out explosive fire damage and fusion rifles that can be charged up to release a multi-shot blast at groups of enemies.
Certain weapons are infused with different energies - thermal damage, arc damage, and void damage – so if you have the right weapon you can, say, drain an enemy item or shield sooner.[/quote]
[b]Elemental Damage summary/ideas:[/b] Thermal damage [i](fire)[/i], Arc damage [i](electric)[/i], and Void damage [i](Energy draining, Black Hole type stuff?[/i])
I'm assuming Thermal does burn damage over time to unshielded enemies, and that Void damage drains shields.
A shielded Hive Wizard in the Devil's Lair Gameplay Resisted Electrical damage.
[b]Overcharge Blast:[/b] So the weapon we've seen that looked like the Conduit F3 but acted like a shotgun was actually being overcharged and releasing an enormous energy blast. I want one.
[i][b]Edit: [/b][/i] [url=http://cdn.destinythegame.com/video/DTG_sizzle_hunter.mp4]Here is a video with a clip of this Fusion rifle ability. Starts right at 0:16[/url] If this doesn't work, go watch it, the Hunter gameplay clip, on the new Destiny website.
[b][i][url=http://i.imgur.com/Xw0fSfRh.jpg]Public Event Hive Miniboss:[/url][/i][/b]
[quote]...The task is usually to beat a mini-boss, who would be too strong for a single fire team. Ours is a giant bipedal predator, shooting out energy blasts that deplete health in seconds. Our goal is to stop him reaching a checkpoint on the landscape, but he's too fast and deadly and we lose him. No loot for us. Once the game goes online, you'll be able to hang out in these public areas indefinitely, waiting for the next boss to spawn.[/quote]
[b][i]Ammo, Energy Orbs[/i][/b]
[quote]Usefully, downed enemy soldiers drop ammo. Better yet, when you kill anything with your special weapon it floods the area with orbs, a social currency that can be picked up by your team mates and used to quickly charge their own specials. This way you can work together to chain special attacks into devastating co-op onslaughts.[/quote]
[i][b]Edit:[/b][/i] The orbs are called Orbs of Light. They are created upon special circumstances ([i]killing enemies with Special weapons or Supers[/i]), and are only visible to your teammates. They can then pick up the orbs, feeding their specials. This allows a team to cooperate and become a decimating force, as the article stated.
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5MOFVadnrw]Source: IGN Gameplay Rewind Video[/url]
[b][i]Locking your Focus:[/i][/b]
[quote]But eventually you have the option of locking it in, so you get more stats and that benefits your character in a global sense. That was important to us, because we look at the way you customise your abilities as being a way for you to differentiate and distinguish yourself from other players. If everyone can just flip their abilities freely, everyone's kind of the same – so when you come up with a clever way of playing your character better, everybody is just a couple of minutes away from duplicated your successes. That's not as interesting as being able to say, 'no, this is me, this is my character and I'm clever and I get to benefit from that[/quote]
[b][i]Chests and Loot:[/i][/b]
[quote]Importantly, the contents of each chest is stored locally for each player so you don’t get one smart alec monopolising all the treats. And not all loot can be used immediately. Often you’ll pick up stuff you can’t use until you rank up – a little teaser that Bungie hopes will ensure players keep coming back. Also, it's possible for you to roll three active characters, one of each class, so you may well find a nice little warlock item when you're playing as a titan – and that's fine, it isn't wasted. [/quote]
[b]Transferable Items:[/b][quote]
"There's a vault where you can trade items between your characters," says Green. "So you can say, 'great, when I roll a warlock I'm absolutely going to use this' and into the vault it goes. Weapons are all available to all classes, but, say, a warlock helmet is class-specific so you pick it up and put it in the vault. We have people in the studio who would play as two characters, get items for their other character and use that to get ahead of other people in a PvP competition."
My my, you [i]have[/i] been busy. This thread's like a well tended garden. Lovely job.