I would like to know some ideas to stop bullying. (Because what they "try" now doesn't work) funny/stupid answers accepted.
Edited by asir: 4/23/2014 2:32:13 AMUmm I just ignore them when possible. I can't be bothered to deal with people who are only out for my reaction. If it's physical bullying, I just try to defuse the situation because it's nearly always just some hotshot kid trying to be tough for girls/his own ego. If I have no choice, I'll just drop them and walk away. (I have experience in fighting, usually the other guy will charge at me and nose his head into my stomach while flailing his arms at my face, at that point you can easily pick them up, tip them upside down and let them fall on their heads. Would recommend.) The thing to remember is that the masses favor the calm. If some kid's getting in your face and you just project [u]genuine[/u] friendliness, the crowd will see the bully as the bad guy. If you can block and deflect punches well, (which I can't but I've seen it done), even a physical encounter can totally blow up in their face. Most importantly, for more srs bsns bullies, do not let yourself be trapped / cornered / caught alone. It's better to run where someone can see you and get ganked then to be caught alone and unable to find help.