I would like to know some ideas to stop bullying. (Because what they "try" now doesn't work) funny/stupid answers accepted.
Guns, obviously. If guns are the solution to criminals, which are the grown up equivalent of bullies, then they should also work on bullies in school. Give all kids guns. Bullying problem solved. And if people were willing to eat humans we could also solve world hunger that way... just have to start convincing people. Have to earn my Nobel Peace Prize somehow.
[b] [/b]
How to end bullying: Step 1. Grab your bundle of C4, Your model 1887, and a large pink dildo-shaped baseball bat. Step 2. Stalk bully to his house. Step 3. Place C4 at their foundation Step 4. Detonate it, use your 1887 to kill his family, Then find the bully and proceed to beat him to death with your bat.
[b][i]I find flamethrowers to be very effective on those made of flesh.[/i][/b]
Assuming this takes place at school, the day after the bully bullies you show up in a trench coat and follow him around while making shooting gestures. Guarantee he will stop. Works errytyme
Did you know that in some cases there are only victims, not bullies? Take a bully away from the group, and another will fill their place. This happens continuously. I wonder if they removed the "losers" from the class, whether the bullying problem would stop. I know there are "real" bullies out there, but I also think there are people who are impossible to not bully. Because they are so annoying.
my mother solved the "bully" problem for me at a very young age. she simply said, "just stop giving them the attention they want." and from that day forward, not a single -blam!- was given.
I wouldn't even know if I was ever truly bullied. I was often pushed in the hallway, insulted, and the like but it was never persistent. The closest I have had to a bully was in middle school and I just recorded him harassing a teacher and had him suspended. Other than him most cases were not notable and I just past it off as "people being dicks".
Me know rock work wonders! Bigger rock make bigger scare!
Edited by xurs cheeky bag: 4/23/2014 5:32:29 AMMy solution was violence, after trying the "talk to an adult" and "just ignore it" methods for a long time. What kind of violence you ask? Best him viciously with a piece of toasted white bread. It works on females to seduce, but it turns men into a bloody pulp.
Just give them a hug.
Say, "No u" then walk away. It works.
Have sex with the bully's mother and take pictures of her doing very dirty things to you. Show the bully and tell him he backs off or you release the pics.
My solution was violence when talking to teachers didn't help.
I was never bullied during school. I think once someone called me fat but I continued eating my chicken burger and [i]I liked it. [/i]
If the bully starts bulling you, then yew -blam!- HIM UP! The end. ,_,
Edited by DarkSpyda04: 4/23/2014 3:27:02 AMIncrease the size of bullys fists by 50%. That'll show em
Edited by Scootasnacks: 4/23/2014 3:27:47 AMOne word, daleks[spoiler]EXTERMINATE!!!!!![/spoiler]
Edited by Turtlenomad: 4/23/2014 3:26:12 AMThroat slitting or choking. [spoiler]Embrace the dark side![/spoiler]
They need to be eliminated. ALL OF THEM!
Edited by Qasr Deldour: 4/23/2014 2:06:30 AMSimple: You duel him, energy sword to energy sword. That's the only way I get "bullies" away from me on Sangheilios. [spoiler]I'd much rather call, what you say, "bullies" as annoying and ignorant sangheili (but in your case, human). Though if it gets physical.......[/spoiler]
I would say shoot yourself, but that's a really bad morbid joke, and can be taken seriously by many people. Personally I've never been bullied, but I have a younger sister and several of my friends who used to be bullied. I told my sister to not put up with people bullshit, if someone's being an asshole, -blam!- em up, tell them what's up. If someone is being a jerk, they're going to get what's commin'. I didn't do the same for my friends, as we were in 8th grade, and "talking" shit doesn't work as well. So I beat the shit out of the kids, and tadah! No more bullies!
Edited by asir: 4/23/2014 2:32:13 AMUmm I just ignore them when possible. I can't be bothered to deal with people who are only out for my reaction. If it's physical bullying, I just try to defuse the situation because it's nearly always just some hotshot kid trying to be tough for girls/his own ego. If I have no choice, I'll just drop them and walk away. (I have experience in fighting, usually the other guy will charge at me and nose his head into my stomach while flailing his arms at my face, at that point you can easily pick them up, tip them upside down and let them fall on their heads. Would recommend.) The thing to remember is that the masses favor the calm. If some kid's getting in your face and you just project [u]genuine[/u] friendliness, the crowd will see the bully as the bad guy. If you can block and deflect punches well, (which I can't but I've seen it done), even a physical encounter can totally blow up in their face. Most importantly, for more srs bsns bullies, do not let yourself be trapped / cornered / caught alone. It's better to run where someone can see you and get ganked then to be caught alone and unable to find help.
Stop being weak human beings. Or stop being so -blam!-ing weird.