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Edited by abba61 ALT: 4/23/2014 12:38:31 AM

I like a good catholic girl

So I've kinda fallen for this girl Sarah, who is a good catholic girl. She does marching band, jazz band, and concert band and is smart too. She's more what you'd call cute than hot and we already have good conversations whenever we do talk (which is every other day or two). Anyway, with me being Jewish will this go badly? I mean think of what my family would think (non-immediate) for falling for a goy, and hers for me being a Jew... Damn you religious intolerance Note: I don't care about religion but my extended family are... [i]stubborn[/i] and scare the shit outta me.

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  • Just go for it. If your parents start standing outside your room with signs and shit, they can go cry somewhere else.

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  • Religion is a joke. If your family's can't get over it then they can't. That's on them.

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  • Religion shouldn't matter as long as you two care for each other.

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  • Mine is the reverse woman is half Jewish. Although we both aren't very religious.

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  • [quote]I've kinda fallen for this girl ... whenever we do talk (which is every other day or two).[/quote]Sorry, you have fallen for the idea. Wait until you can't go more that 6 hours and then start talking about "[i]fallen[/i]" ([i]unless your 6 years old, then you have to punch her in the arm as well[/i]) And if religion means that much to you already, that you are even questioning what to do ... call i quits now.

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    • I think Jewish girls care more about a dude's religion than girls raised Catholic, in my experience.

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      • Edited by Based Gatsby: 4/24/2014 12:06:57 PM
        Give her some good sex, she'll forget everything, even her own name.

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        • [i]I want a girl who gets up early I want a girl who stays up late I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity Who used a machette to cut through red tape With fingernails that shine like justice And a voice that is dark like tinted glass[/i]

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          • Edited by asir: 4/23/2014 12:39:00 AM
            Do whatever you two want to do. As long as you two are all good and accept your differing beliefs, more power to ya.

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          • Don't mean to be rude, but slap'em one...or two and go get with sarah if you both really like each other *^.^*

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            • Use your #vaginafeet to your advantage.

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              • Edited by Spooter: 4/23/2014 4:13:15 PM
                So? Throw the desires of others to the side, bro, and just come out to her with what you want and how you feel. My own girlfriend is very religious (is a leader at her church, going on a mission trip soon, active in the community), and it doesn't bother me in the least what other people might think about me dating a beautiful, pure daffodil like her. I love her, and that's what matters. You should think the same way if she is important to you.

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              • If both of you too are Ok with the fact then go for it. I personaly dont think that I could be in a realationship with someone of another religion, I dont know. But of you two are comfortable, then by all means go for it.

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              • Just take things slow or have a talk with her, there's no reason religion should ruin things if you guys don't let it.

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              • [quote]for falling for a goy[/quote] Shalom! Don't fall for their inferior genes, only mate with Gods Chosen People!

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                9 Replies
                • Religion, mang.

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                  • Didn't you learn anything from Disney movies? True love, man. True love. I liked a girl in marching band once. I asked for a date and I got depression. Of course, God said "ask and ye shall receive", but he didn't say what we'd receive...

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                    5 Replies
                    • Be a rebel for once in you're -blam!-ing life Jesus some people are just retarded

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                      3 Replies
                      • [quote]So I've kinda fallen for this girl Sarah, who is a good catholic girl. She does marching band, jazz band, and concert band and is smart too. She's more what you'd call cute than hot and we already have good conversations whenever we do talk (which is every other day or two). Anyway, with me being Jewish will this go badly? I mean think of what my family would think (non-immediate) for falling for a goy, and hers for me being a Jew... Damn you religious intolerance Note: I don't care about religion but my extended family are... [i]stubborn[/i] and scare the shit outta me.[/quote]in all seriousness, it should not be a problem. If it doesn't work for her than it's not meant to be. But if it does, she'll accept you as will her family and yours. Catholics won't try to convert you. I should know, I am one. Thing is, your extended family won't really care as long as your happy. And if they do, don't listen to them. Everything will go as it shoulda

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                      • Lol religion probs

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                        • If you think that us band geeks are "good" Lmao you need to see the shit that goes on when the director isn't around

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                          2 Replies
                          • i know a lot of catholic/jewish couples, even some that are married. it's usually the protestant christians you need to worry about. modern catholics are pretty chill.

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                            • religion has nothing to do with it unless her parents, or yours are ignorant, considering they are the same religions.

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                            • It may not work out, but guess what? You'll never know if you don't go for it. Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in, even if your friends and/or family don't like it. Part of being your own person is making decisions based on what you think is right at the time and accepting the consequences (good or bad). Just don't make the mistake of trying to get with someone with the intent of converting them. It'll end poorly.

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                            • #Vaginafeet

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                              • There comes a time where you have stand up against your own family for what you think is right and what you want. Do it I say. Fix issues as they happen and don't sit there worrying about things that could happen.

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