To anyone who cares, I do not think I will be on these forums much anymore. I am seeing a new therapist now and I feel great after speaking with her, and I will be able to get my life on the right track. These forums are somewhat depressing to me because there is so much negativity and hostility, which has rubbed off on me in the past. I am going to focus more on other things though and keep a positive and joyful mood. I am improving my happiness a lot and being here just counteracts it honestly.
To those who care, I will see you around occasionally. I will miss a lot of you but you can contact me by PM or through Xbox Live, and if you are important enough maybe I will PM you my phone number if you ask for it.
Edited by asir: 4/18/2014 5:12:53 AMThis makes me think... I'm a teenager who's going through this whole closeted gender identity crisis, who hangs out on hostile Internet forums like 4chan and the Flood, volunteering as an ASB Officer and therefore dealing with a lot of extra stress at school, insecure about my home life with my parents, and I don't ever see a therapist or any mental health professionals... Naah I'm probably fine pssh. Also...[spoiler]Can I add u on Xbox?[/spoiler]