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4/13/2014 3:04:20 AM

Have you checked your privilege?

[url=]Give it a go.[/url] I got around a 90/100. Goddamn, am I privileged. I can confidently say I checked it though. How about you, Flood?

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  • This poll thing was racist and sexist.

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  • 38 out of a hundred

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  • Dat 36 out of 100. But I'm a white heterosexual male. I sense shennanigans. Also >implying I should educate people and complain about not being privileged instead of working my way out of it like I've already done. Top kek.

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  • 31/100. That being said, whilst I'd say there's some basis to the concept that white, middle-class, cisgendered, straight men are considered the norm and therefore are treated best, this test is so biased and accusatory that it's entirely pointless. What's more, people shouldn't feel BAD for being privileged, they should feel glad about that, what they should feel is a respect for that, a sense that they really are lucky, that should be an encouragement for them to make the best of their lives, not discourage them.

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  • 1
    I thought I'd give it a shot, but I found it so pretentious and assuming that I just gave up on it. If the tumblr warriors could take the sticks out of their asses then people might take them seriously. Going around saying every white/straight/male is literally the devil incarnate is just going to make them a laughing stock - it already has.

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  • 36/100 Not privilaged. This is a stupid -blam!-ing quiz anyway and sosial justice wariors can go -blam!- themselves

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  • Edited by Comms Officer: 4/13/2014 7:16:38 AM
    Yeah, I'll be surprised if I'm not AT LEAST 90. EDIT: Oh my god, this test is so long and incredibly unengaging. Fu­ck this shit.

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  • Edited by asir: 4/13/2014 9:52:43 AM
    42 out of 100, dang. I'm not as well-off as I thought. And about 8 of those are about my parents paying for things since I'm 16, so it's going to be more like 36/100. The test was kind of stupid though because it assumes a lot about you, like they assume that you're above college age and that you have religious beliefs. Also it omits a lot of questions I would figure are in there

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  • 68/100 Dang if only I got one more point.

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  • Straight Catholic male who went to private school. Got 48/100 lol

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    2 Replies
    • 40 of 100 And I answered as honestly as I could.

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    • [u][b]Just more liberal BS from the liberal brainwashing media.[/b][/u] I knew this test was going to be BS right once I saw the first question "are you white". Just because a person is white does not mean they are privileged. This is a tactic used by liberals just to make white people feel guilty about their race. Then it assumes you are privileged just because you are not homosexual or confused about your gender.

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    • Edited by Mega Blaziken: 4/13/2014 6:00:11 AM

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    • I first did the "How White are you" test I got 13/100 (not white) and I am 71/100 privileged. Lol

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      8 Replies
      • 64/100, apparently.

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      • I got a 51. I don't get along very well with people.

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      • 48/100

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      • 36 [quote]You’re not privileged at all. You grew up with an intersectional, complicated identity, and life never let you forget it. You’ve had your fair share of struggles, and you’ve worked hard to overcome them. We do not live in an ideal world and you had to learn that the hard way. It is not your responsibility to educate those with more advantages than you, but if you decide you want to, go ahead and send them this quiz. Hopefully it will help.[/quote]

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      • 43/100 Muh privileges.

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      • Saw this on my Facebook feed today. I took it, my score was something like 38. Most of those points were because I'm white and heterosexual. I got off "easy" because I grew up in a poor family and I was not a "popular" kid in middle and high school. The people who post and believe this kind of nonsense scares me. Once upon a time a very prominent historical figure was able to convince a country about another "privileged" group of people. That person was able to convince them that their systematic discrimination, confiscation of wealth, imprisonment, and execution was "justified." A world war was fought as a result.

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        3 Replies
        • Edited by Upperclass Bum: 4/13/2014 6:21:45 AM
          42/100 More than half of those questions didn't even apply to me...

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        • [quote]You live with [b][i][u]69[/u][/i][/b] out of 100 points of privilege. You’re quite privileged. You’ve had a few struggles, but overall your life has been far easier than most. This is not a bad thing, nor is it something to be ashamed of. But you should be aware of your advantages and work to help others who don’t have them. Thank you for checking your privilege. [/quote]

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          • 53/100

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          • Was ding it one by one but I'm just gunna stop at 12 and say I am Very "Privileged" or according to the options I am White,straight, and not crazy

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