Polygon discusses Bungie's new design software:
[quote]The Hunter class is meant to look like they scavenge the wilderness for gear, with capes torn to scraps and gear based off hazmat suits and gas masks. The Warlock class, the "warrior-scholars," wear cloaks and robes with hardware tucked underneath. Inspiration for their outfits was drawn from a wide range of sources, from wizards to World War I soldiers. The Titan class is the most heavily armored of the three classes, with gear inspired by medieval armor layered over tight-fitting suits.[/quote]
[quote]Shepherd said developers really began digging into the customization system once they began thinking of characters less like whole people and more like a set of legos, pieces that could be built up over time according to players' desires. He introduced Mash Up, Bungie's internal (in-house) character customization program that remixes bits and pieces of armor and gear into complete items players can equip. Shepherd's demonstration of the system showed an artist using Mash Up to build a helmet, placing the visor, sides and other pieces in a myriad of different ways — many helmet iterations are possible from the same cluster of item bits.
Bungie created several color palettes for each of the three classes, with gear changing both shape and color the more advanced the pieces become.[/quote]
[quote]Bungie is continuing to iterate on [Mash Up] as the game approaches launch this fall. One new feature will be an extensive decal system, and the team will also expand the game's color dye system, adding the ability to give accent colors to pieces as well as shininess and gradient to items.[/quote]
[b]TL;DR: Bungie has developed an advanced in-house system for their designers called [i]Mash Up.[/i] It gives them the freedom to develop new, complex, and detailed pieces of armor and gear with relative ease.[/b]
EDIT #2: I changed the title of the thread because people weren't reading the actual article and misunderstanding the information.
Sounds amazing. Just a note: the game launches in the summer, not autumn.